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Again i apologize ahead of time
She had gotten close to Davina she decided that it was time to speed up her plan go with the original plan to get rid of Davina and she was doing it now. So when her father told her he had something that he had to do and going upstairs to his room to make silent phone calls. She hoped that he knew that he wasn't very slick she decided to ask Davina if she could help her make something that was going to cause a lot of panic but she had to do this. And knowing that her parents didn't really want to talk to her she decided that she needed to get them intot he same place and no one was going to be happy with how she was about to do that.
Kol closed the door of his room calling Elena everytime he had attempted to call her she had never answered or if she did she would give short replys and quickly try to end the conversation.

"What do you want Kol?" She didn't really want to talk to him. She had just gotten home from a date and despite the fact that she hadn't really wanted to go on it she could say that it wasn't to bad.

He was happy that she had actually had picked up he wanted to talk to her and make sure that she was ok. "I didn't think you would answer."

"Figured that you would just keep calling until i did." She knew him he was going to call and call and eventually make a house visit and she didn't need him doing that answering him now would just make it so much easier on her.

She was right about that Kolw as goivng to make sure that he got to talk to her no matter whatelse she had to do to talk to her. "You're ignoring me."

Maybe Elena could have choosen a better option then ignoring him but she didn't want to see him. He flirted her for weeks after arguing with her and then suddenly Aubree didn't want to be with her anymore. It was just to much at once. "Yeah i was because i don't want to talk to you."

"Elena i'm trying here." He would do anything to get her to forgive him to get her to understand that he was trying.

"You turned my daughter against me." She didn't know if they could recover from that.

"I didn't say anything to her i was trying to get her to forgive you i tried talking to her she wouldn't budge." Kol remembere dhow he was when he put his mind to something and said that no matter what anyone said he was going to get this done it was getting done no matter who got hurt or lied to. "I don't know what made her decide that she didn't want to be with you anymore i would never do that to you Elena. I would never take her from you. I was trying to gain your trust again so that there was a chance we could get back together. "

"It feels like you did. It feels like some how she changed her mind after i asked you to talk to her" Maybe he didn't but she wanted to know what happened to suddenly change how Aubree felt about her. "She was a liar and a good one but she never left my side she always was near me. No matter how much she acted like you she never wanted to be away from me."

"No matter what happens between us i just need to know that you're ok." He knew that she had been through a lot and she would take care of everyone else before herself.

"I'm ok." She was doing better now she trusted that he was going to get Aubree to forgive her and she would just have to give them time no matter how much she didn't want to.

He loved her more than he ever loved anyone he was going to figure out what was going on with Aubree and fix everything. "We have Eternity Elena i'm going to figure out a way to get you back." He hung up not giving her a chance to reply sitting on his bed running his fingers through his hair.
Aubree started to coughing as she fell to the floor. She knew that her mother and father were probably going to kill her for doing this and endangering herself like this. "DAD!"

"Aubree!" Davina tried  to help her but Aubree just pushed her back. She didn't understand what was going on. Her skinn started to swell up and she started panting,

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