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The next day Kol went to check on the kids he figured he should probably say something now how she took it was not his fault. He opened the door to his o8 room where he often found them both. They had a daily routine Aubree was usually reading something that she shouldn't be in the spell book Freya had given her. Henrick was playing video games and then later they whispered which said they were planning something.

"Whatever she asked the answer is no." Aubree had noticed he had wanted to say something, since her mother dropped her off it, since her mother dropped her off it didn't take her long to realize that her mother was requesting her help with something.

He hadn't said anything but he was sure she was used to this routine. He didn't know why Elena thought that it work if he said something.  "I didn't say anything."

"Your demeanor changed after you talked to her. You don't want to say anything about what she told you." She knew that something was up she wasn't stupid she knew that her parents were still in love with each other they just needed a little push and she was going to do that. "I'm you remember don't try to lie to me it won't work."

"She wanted me to talk to you." He told her that he would try and he didn't say that he would succeed in convincing her to be nice.

"But you don't want to tell which means she said something that you don't like." She wasn't sure what made her mother think that 
talking to her and asking her to be nice would work it was clear that not even he wanted to do it. "She tried this before you know it didn't work then either."

"Aubree." He said he would try if she didn't want to do it then she didn't want to.

She loved her mother she did but she was not going to stand for her dating someone who was not her father. She wanted them together she wanted them happy. And she would accept it no other way. "No it's a guy she's being secretive that means that she started dating again."

"Aubree." Henrick scolded he knew that his sister had something planned and that it was about to cause a lot of problems.

"He won't last long I always make sure of that." She got off her brother's bed heading to her room.

"Talk to your sister."

"I will" He got up going to his sister's room walking in closing the door behind him. He knew that she didn't want to tell him anything but she wanted to know what was going on. "What's the plan?"

She turned towards her brother she knew that her brother wanted to know but she couldn't tell him. He was the good child and she wouldn't do this to him. "Let me handle mom's boyfriend he won't last long."

He trusted his sister he knew that she would do everything to make sure that her plan went correctly but he didn't know how far she would go. "Alright."


Elena walked into her house as Kol called. She had just come back from a girl's night that she had with Bonnie and Caroline. Which she hadn't been able to do in a while. So now she was cranky and irritated and just wanted sleep. "Hello."

He didn't need to be around her the last few months to know that she was in a mood. "What's wrong with you?" He was sure that she was tired he could hear it in her voice but why she was tired he didn't know.

"Maybe I'm just irritated because you were the one that called." That wasn't it, she just wanted to go to sleep before she had to get the kids.

He knew that there was something else bothering her but he knew that she probably wasn't going to tell him about it "As I remember you used to love it when I called."

If they weren’t together and from the way they were going throwing shots at each other they weren't ever going to be down that road again. "Not so much anymore now it just feels like a chore."

He was sure that he was the better choice compared to the boyfriends who she had been with. "I'm offended."

"I don't care." She didn't want to have this argument right now she just wanted to go to sleep. But while she was on the phone she wanted to know if he talked to Aubree. "What did Aubree say?"

He hadn't wanted to ask Aubree but he did because it had been Elena asking. Plain and simple the least he could do was ask her if she could be nice and she gave her answer. "Didn't I tell you I wasn't helping my ex-girlfriend stay with her boyfriend?"

"What did she say?" She knew that he asked her for one simple reason she had asked. Just like if his name would have shown up on her caller ID anytime in the last decade she would have answered without hesitation.

He chuckled lightly he figured that she would have known. Despite wanting to say no to her. She had the chance to be happy and he wasn't going to take it from her. "How'd you know I asked her?"

"Same way you knew I was going to answer." Even when they were dating she could never just ignore him even when she was mad at him. Just like he couldn't just say no to her. "I asked you and old habits die hard."

He was happy that Aubree hadn't wanted to be nice he would have just abour lied to her then. "She said no and she also said you've done this before who?"

She wished she would have used Caroline but at the time she didn't know that Bonnie would rather the two get together. "Bonnie but turns out she's routing for us."

He was happy to hear that he hadn't made her and all her best friends hate him. He knew that Caroline was routing for them today and that would be helpful when he figured out how to earn her back. "Remind me to call and thank her."

"We're not together." There was no thanking her if she didn't get what she wanted.

"Could we happen again?" He needed to know before he did anything irrational to try and win her back. He and Davina were safe they got along because they connected through magic. But he and Elena had something completely different he had loved or more than anything she brought back his humanity when no one else could. If he could get her back he would. "Apparently the kids are plotting to get us back together."

She smiled at the thought of their twins working together to get them back together.  But there were obstacles in the way. They couldn't just get back together and she wanted her children safe and doing what she was doing was making sure that would happen. "I have a boyfriend you have a girlfriend Kol."

He knew what their situation was but he didn't care what he had to do. He didn't see him and Davina making it far when Henrick and Aubree were scaring her half to death. He knew that Aubree might just scare her away and that might work to his benefit depending on what she had to say next. "That's not what I asked."

Yeah, they could but it wouldn't be the same as the last time they changed and their relationship would need to. "If we didn't have our separate partners, yeah but we'd  have to be different than the last time." But that wasn't the only thing they'd all changed in the last decade. All of them even the rest of the Original family she wanted them to all try and get along if they had the chance of getting together again."And your siblings they'd have to get over it and get to know me not the me that almost let revenge get the best of her."

"That's all I needed to know." Now that he knew that he possibly had a chance again he was going to work to earn her back and maybe whatever her daughter was planning wouldn't be so bad after all. "Get some sleep I'll drop them off later tonight."

She did not like whatever he was thinking she was trying to have her plan go down withoit any complications that would complicate it. "Kol we are dating other people whatever you are thinking stop."

He wasn't saying anymore the only thing on his mind was what Caroline and Bonnie said about him possibly being bad news. "Sleep." The line went dead she huffed putting her phone in her pocket.

She hoped that he talked to her before doing anything irrational.
He walked into his house calling Caroline. With it being summer they were at the house. Everything else they were going to have to figure out when the time came. And he hoped he could get her back before then he just wasn't sure how.

Caroline didn't talk to Kol she didn't care to much for him. Except when it came to her best friend.  "Yes, Mikaelson."

"I want to know everything about her boyfriend." If she was happy he would let her be but if he was in danger he wouldn't let her get to hurt.

"Will text you a time and place." Caroline didn't want to do this over the phone just in case. They had to do this face to face.

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