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Elena and Kol walked to his house she was still upset that she wasn't getting a choice in whether or not she got to help or not. "This isn't fair."

"We are not doing this right now." He didn't want to argue with her right now he was still pissed that she couldn't listen. 

"Of course that would be your answer." She scoffed walking up the steps to the house. It was clear to her that he still didn't understand why she did what she had done. "We can't ever talk about the things that i want to talk about."

He knew that she was upset but he was to and he had almost lost her. And after losing her once he refused to lose her again. "You can't do that we made a deal you wouldn't do anything to get yourself killed but you almost died. "

She turned towards him she didn't know what he didn't understand when it cane to her kids she would do anything to see them safe even if it meant she died in the process. "He wanted to hurt them."

"So you should have called." That was all he wanted he wanted her to communicate if she's knew that she was in danger.

Elena took a breathe feeling tears prick her eyes even if that was ideal it would have only made things worse. "And said what he's after the kids if he would have heard me he would have made sure that i died right then and there."

He stepped closer to her making her step back her back hitting the wall. He put his hand on the house caging her in. He loved her more than anything and the thought of losing her after everything he couldn't. "I can't lose you Elena."

"I'm sorry" She was she knew that they had come so far but nothing mattered except saving her kids. She lived her life longer than she ever thought she was and now it was there turn.

"I was selfish and i lost you once i refuse to let it happen again." He had chosen his siblings over her and he had long since regretted it and this was his second chance and he was ready to risk everything to be with her again. Even himself.

"I'm sorry i just cant lose them." Aubree may have been hard to parent but they had been through so much together and Henrick was her son who she had always wanted and who was there when she was at one of her lowest points. She would not let them get hurt or go through something they wouldn't recover. 

"I cant lose none of you and if someone is going to die out of us i rather know that you three are ok." He already made his mind up if one of them had to go it was going to be him they were going to get the chance to live there lives. He had already been on the earth for a thousand years but he knew he wouldn't live another day without her. "If any of us are making that sacrifice it's me."

She closed her eyes taking a breathe she didn't like the idea of losing him either. She didn't want to be the reason he died. She couldn't be. "Kol."

"I love you Elena. And i know you said you needed to do this you needed to protect them." He got it that it was her instinct to put them first but seeing her on the verge of death it broke him he had put her for granted last time and he wouldn't do it again. "But seeing you earlier passed out on the ground with a werewolf bite terrified me."

"I know and i'm sorry. I didn't want to scare you." She knew that it wasn't the best course of plan and that she had promised she wouldn't get herself killed but in the moment she needed to know what he was going to do. And while the last thing she wanted to do was cause pain to the person she loved the most when it came to her kids no one else mattered. "I needed to know"

He nodded it was over now and while he was mad at her he was happier that she was safe. He moved back a couple steps. "Come on there worried about you."

Kol went and unlocked the door walking into the house seeing Rebekah Hayley and Caroline sitting on the couch. They got up all turning to look at them. 

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