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"What was that?" They knew Elena and she wasn't very good at being secretive at least when they had known her she wasn't. And based on what they knew of Aubree she wasn't letting her mother date.

Henrick looked to Aubree he swore that his sister had told him that their mother was not dating. "Why you looking at me? She stopped telling me when she was dating a year ago im as confused as you are." She had swore that she had gotten her mother to stop dating but that didn't seem to be the case anymore.

"Don't jump to conclusions could have been anyone people don't like your family." Even if Caroline knew that it was a lie she wasn't going to tell them that. 

"Either way if she is dating it's not gonna last." Aubree crossed her arms over her chest she knew that if her mother was dating then it wasn't going to last much longer. 

"What did you do?" They knew that look it meant that she had done something and that she was planning something else. 

She chuckled lightly she had plans to get her parents together and breaking up her parents current relationships. And she would do it with any means nessacary. "I scare of them off and that will not stop now if she is she's going to have to be a lot more sneaky."

Henrick knew that the plan was to get their parents back together. But they needed a better way to do that. "Aubree you can't-"

"I can hit you now." She raised her hand to hit him. They were no longer miles away they could touch each other.

"You know we'll talk later." He wasn't going to say anything with them in here. They had to come up with a plan before they did anything. 

She scowled lightly looking at him she didn't have time for this. She also hated that he was giving her that look like they weren't planning to break their parents up from their current relationships to get them back together. "Don't give me that look." 

"What look?" Henrick didn't get what she was trying to say. He knew that he was giving her the look saying they didn't need to talk about it at the moment. Not in front of the rest of their family.

She scoffed rolling her eyes she didn't have time for his games right now they needed to make a plan. They needed to put that plan into action before she decided that she was going to do it all by herself. "That look." 

"You guys realize your mother is about to come back in here." Freya asked she could see that these two were going to cause a lot of trouble now that they were a lot.

"You do remember that you talk a lot?" Henrick reminded everything that his sister had said to him he remembered.

Aubree turned towards Caroline smirking changing the subject was one thing that she was very good at. "Well looks like i'm destroying your school."

Caroline gasped looking at her shaking her head. She sometimes just wanted to strangle this girl. "You can't do that."

Kol shook his head he was definitely going to have a run for his money with these two. "She's going to kill me."

"Yup." Hayley nodded she could already see that if Elena walked into this it was not going to turn out good.

"Aubree!" Bonnie warned she knew her goddaughter and she loved to get her way no matter what she had to do or say.

She didn't even see why she was getting scolded she had a simple request. And her parents were denying it.  "I didn't do anything i was just saying that i was -"

Henrick looked at his sister he knew how this worked and it was not the time for it. "Stop changing the subject." 

"I don't know what you're talking about?" Maybe she did just like she knew that he knew way more than he had ever said to anyone. 

He chuckled he knew some things that she did not want people to know. "So you don't-"

She covered her brothers mouth walking him backwards. She wasn't going to letn him say anything "I take it back maybe you can keep a secret. You're a lot like Josie only can keep a secret when you have something on the line." She had to give it to her brother he was good at keeping some stuff.

Elena walked back in stopping in her tracks seeing Aubree dragging Henrick back. "What did i say? What the hell are you doing?"

"Nothing." Aubree smiled to her mother she didn't need her brother to say anything.

"Let him go." Elena ordered she knew her daughter had a thing of handling everything herself. And hurting anyone that got in her way.

Aubree let her brother go glaring at him. She didn't need him say anything. It was a thing between him and her end of story. "If you even think about it i'll-"

"Aubree!" Elena warned she didn't understand why she always had the need to do that.

"Sorry mom." Aubree apologized she would deal with her brother a different day when her mother was not around. 

Elena rolled her eyes she would deal with her at a different date. "I have to get her home."

Henrick looked over to his dad he wanted to spend more time with his mom. "Dad can i go."

He nodded he knew that Aubree was right about something eventually they would have to talk to each other especially when it comes to them ."Go."

"Come on." She turned towards her best friends. "You two coming."

"I have to go talk to a witch Care's coming with me." She didn't want to tell her what she was really going to do.

"Ok bye." She walked out following Henrick and Aubree.

"Ok why did you really need to stay." Rebekah knew their was more to the story than she was talking to a witch

"Last year their was a guy." Caroline didn't want to go into much detail she knew that Bonnie could do it better, 

"When i used to touch Stefan or Damon I'd feel death." She was good at that she knew how to tell when someone was supernatural. "Another witch I'd know. Aw werewolf id know. Did y'all kill all the hybrids you made."

"Im not sure " Klaus knew that he had made a lot of hybrids he could not be sure if they all died.

"He asked about Aubree. He asked about her father." Caroline had noticed when Bonnie got uneasy but when he asked about that so did she. "He was searching and I'm not sure if Elena caught it." She hoped that her best friend caught it but if she did it did not make sense why she still would be with him.

"And none of you decided maybe kill him." Kol asked no matter how he felt at the moment he would always do anything he could to protect her. 

"I tried but it was a no go." She had plans to kill him but it was like whenever she was about to she never got the chance.

"And your one to talk go jump off a bridge. Are you fucking serious?" She didn't get why he would even say that to her. It was wrong and uncalled for she knew the feelings were still their. But she knew her best friend was to hurt to care about if she loved him or not. "You used to love her and you left her for this stupid family. None of you follow the always and forever. Klaus Daggers you Elijah will choose people over y'all and i heard Rebekah got the city burned down and lied for years. Everything you all did to her. And now she's supposed to stay in the same city as you guys. Elena will refuse to seperate them not after all this time." 

Hayley chuckled lightly she couldn't believe what she was hearing. "Kol has an ex who actually liked him that's why he's so cold so his siblings are excellent liars good to know."




What do you think the twins will do?

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