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Henrick was showing his mom around New Orleans he was amazed that she had never been their before. "So you're telling me that you have never been to New Orleans."

"No" She had never been before she had wanted to travel more. Coming here had been a good idea she had found her son. 

"Well lucky for you i lived here my entire life and i can show you everything around here." He was looking forward to spending time with her and getting to know his mother. "But be warned witches are always up to something." He knew that they had a terrible history in this town.

"Aren't they always." She knew that witches were evil everywhere. 
"Josie started a fire in my room?" Hope couldn't believe that Josie had started the  fire in her room and that she knew that she never would have guessed it otherwise. 

Aubree nodded she knew that Josie had gotten away with it. No one would have guessed that it had been her who started the fire. "She was trying to hide something she did she didn't mean to burn the entirety of the room it was just supposed to be one thing."

"Why didn't she say anything?" She thought someone as nice as Josie would have been honest enough to admit that she had did it. 

"According to what she told me she would have got caught she wanted to say something but you blamed Lizzie and Lizzie blamed you." She knew that the twins had the weirdest way of handling their problems. And that it could often get out of hand. "Its a classic don't say nothing and watch how it played out. The Saltzman twins have a weird dynamic."

She didn't think it could be classified as weird. They were sisters and one treated the other like crap until she lived to regret it and then repeated to do it over and over again. "And by weird you mean that Lizzie is  rude bossy and doesn't care about her sisters feelings and Josie lets it slide until she pops and it repeats."

"Exactly." She knew that it shouldn't work well but obviously it worked well for them.

Freya went to stand by her brother who was watching his daughter with Hope. She did act an awfully lot like him and that scared her. But at the moment her concern was how her brother was going to handle everything. "So Davina Elena one city how you think that is going to play out." She could already see it ending horribly. She knew that they obviously didn't like each other. And that Henrick didn't like Davina and she could already tell that 

Kol knew that Henrick wanted his real mother and he could tell Aubree was like him when he made a plan or believed in something he was following through for the most part. "I think my son made it clear that he would never think of Davina as a mother and already had one and with her here and Aubree is me and based on the whispers. And the way that she was already acting-"

Freya didn't need to be a genius to know that Henrick and Aubree were planning something anid they certainly had the advantage they had been talking to each other for years in their dream world. "And from what you say already happened these two already hatched out a plan and she made it clear that her mother will always be her mother so what the hell are they planning."

"Exactly." He knew that was bad they were planning something and no one knew what it was. 

"Well Davina clearly doesn't trust Elena with you Elena clearly hates you. Throw in two children who would prefer you with the one that hates you. Because of who they are and what the two are capable of." She knew that was definitely a bad mix and that would not end well for any of them. And she knew that it was going to get bad if they continued to go through with their mysterious plan. "Might just do anything to get rid of the one that they do not like i would say we are in for a treat." She knew if they were her brothers kids and they were they would do anything to get what they wanted.

"Seriously Freya?" He looked at his older sister but he knew that she had a point. They were his kids and Aubree already proved that she was a mini him. And that just made it worse.

Hayley and Rebekah walked over to the two they had overheard what the two had been talking about. And they had to agree with Freya they were up to something and it seemed like Aubree especially would do anything to see the plan through. "She does have a point Kol."

"I don't like Elena." Rebekah didn't like Elena she never really had and she didn't see that changing.

Hayley rolled er eyes crossing her arms over her chest she could not understand why Rebekah could not get over the past. "You no longer have a choice Rebekah she is the mother to your niece and your nephew i didn't like you but your my daughters aunt so i didn't really get a choice."

"Damn Hales." They had seen her be savage but that was different.

"She has a point Rebekah you don't like her well you need to get over it fast because she is going to be here for awhile they are her children and based on how she already acted she doesn't particularly  want us near them already." Freya didn't think that her sister understood the importance of this situation. She turned to look at her younger brother she needed to make sure he understood this. "So don't mess this up And you apologize for being an asshole."

"Me." Kol didn't even get what he had done. 

"Didn't you up and leave your girlfriend and you wonder why she hates you now. That girl loved you and you hurt her and then her son disappears and she finds out he is living with you." She understood why Elena was not a fan of Kol she got that with their past she didn't want to take the risks. This was a lot for her and if they continuously argued that wouldn't fix anything. "The difference between the situation she knew she had a son she thought that he died and that affected her bad her daughter was a liar traits that she got from you. You however never knew about Aubree so this is just a shock to you but for her its the last decade of her life was a lie." She knew that what they had was bad for they had a chance to fix it. "Everything could have been different. So yes you apologize and no you don't have a choice."

"I hate you sometimes." He knew that his sister had a point but he did not want to admit that.

"Keep telling yourself that little brother." She knew that her brother could never really stay ad at her. 

He didn't know what he was supposed to do he had messed up bad and he had hurt her and that had only made him angry at himself. "What do you want me to do?"

"Try." That is all she needed him to do try to make it work with her. They didn't need to get back together they just needed to try to get along.



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