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I apologize ahead of time.


Aubree knew that this was just the tip of the iceberg and she apologized ahead of time to anyone that was listening but doing this was the easiest way to start the process. To give her family a chance to be whole. Fine then i want to stay with dad i don't want to be here."

Elena knew that her and her daughter didn't always get along but that was taking it too far. She knew that she wasn't the best mother but everything that she had ever done had been with her daughter in mind. "Aubree."

"No i hate being here i wish i got put with dad instead." Maybe she could have said that nicer, but she needed her mom to think that she was serious that she didn't have an ulterior motive about this.

Elena felt tears cloud her eyes at least when everyone else left she always knew that she would have Aubree to fall back on. That her daughter would never abandon her even if everyone else was. She would always have her little girl no matter how much they argued or didn't get along. But apparently, she was wrong and now that her daughter had an escape, she was taking it. She felt her voice start to crack. "Aubree."

"Leave me alone. I'm going back with dad Henrick can stay here if he wants but i don't want to be with you anymore i wish that i was never with you in the first place." Aubree ran to the door and out of the house she could feel the tears prick her eyes she never wanted to do that, but she had to. She was about to do a lot of things that nobody wanted her to do. That nobody was going to like. And the first step in that was getting with her dad full time.

She heard steps following her she knew that it was her brother she kept her back turned to him not wanting him to see her crying. She just needed him to remember what she had said. She needed him to look out for their mom. 

"What is wrong with you why would you do that to her?" Henrick knew that his sister could be a little irrational at times but he had never thought that she would go as far as to do something like that to their mother. He had left his mother standing there in shock he wanted to know what was going on.

She sighed she tried to keep her voice strong she didn't want her brother to mess up her plan. "I warned you Henrick look out for mom for me." That was all she needed of him she needed him to look out for their mom and make sure that she was ok through all of this. 

He knew that his sister was bad he knew that she was impulsive and that she was a lot like their father. But he didn't see this coming he didn't think she was going to do something like this. "Was this always your plan to abandon her like that discard her feelings not care how it would affect her when you said that. "

"You haven't been with her the last 9 years." She needed it to be believable he could be mad about her doing this later but for now she was the daughter with the bad mom and that was the way that she would continue to play it, "It's always my fault i always do something wrong i can never be the perfect daughter now she has her perfect child. I'm going to dads."


Kol walked into Rousseau's seeing Bonnie and Caroline sitting in a booth. He went and sat across from them he wanted to know everything on Elena's boyfriend. "Tell me everything,"

"What prompted this?" Although they were happy that he was interested in helping Elena they wanted to kow what had prompted this to begin with. 

Kol knew from when she had wanted to talk to him from when he had been on the phone with her and then stopped her earlier, she was planning something. And he didn't trust that she wouldn't get hurt. He knew her knack for putting herself into danger. "I think she's up to something." 

"She can't be." Now Caroline had been watching her very closely since she met Elena's new boyfriend. She didn't see any change or any sign that she was up to something. 

Bonnie could understand it he had loved her more than anything else in the world and she was guessing that he still did. He wanted to make sure that she was safe. "Whether it's been months or a decade you don't forget someone's patterns Caroline."

"Ok but that doesn't answer why you are getting involved." Ok maybe he did notice that she was up to something, but Caroline didn't get why he cared. They had thrown shots at each other. They acted like they hated each other and couldn't stand breathing the same air. 

"You still love her don't you." Bonnie didn't even need an answer she knew that he did. She knew that he had hated how things had ended between them and he wanted to make things better not that they were back in each other's life but just didn't know how. 

"I've always loved her and i knew that I hurt her and now I need to fix it." He knew that he messed up and now he wanted to do everything he possibly could to fix it. But if she was happy truly happy and something wasn't up then he would leave her be. But if it wasn't then h was going to intervene. 

"He's a hybrid when i touched him i got a really bad feeling." Bonnie had been a witch for a long time she knew that something wasn't right about him and the way he was acting and the questions he had asked only made it worse.

Thinking at how things had happened and how Elena and he had even ended up together she did see that there was no way that Elena could just not notice that something was up with her boyfriend. "He was being nosey he was searching he was wondering about Aubree and whenever we bring it up to Elena, she just brushes it under the rug." She had originally thought that her best friend was just blind to it because it was her chance to finally be happy. But now she didn't think that was the case. Hearing Kol saying that he knew that she was up to something did change things.

"You need to break them up before he hurts her." If Kol was still in love with Elena, then he would be very helpful right she needed him to get to Elena before she got hurt "If she is planning something like you say she is in putting her life in danger. The kids can't lose her Aubree can't lose her. "

"She won't listen to us maybe she would listen to you." Caroline hoped that Elena would stop whatever she was planning if she was planning something and listen to Kol.

Before he got the chance to reply his phone started ringing. He took it out seeing that it was Elena. Although he had sworn that she had told him that she was going to put them to bed and then they were going to go back to sleep.  "I thought you were going back to sleep-" He heard sniffling. "Elena's what's wrong?"

"She left." She had been balling by the time Henrick came back in she knew that they didn't have the best relationship, but she didn't think she would just leave. And now she was freaking out because she didn't know where her daughter went. 


"Please tell me you're at home." She hoped that he was at home figuring that was probably where her daughter was heading. 

"No." Now he wished that he was at home he knew that Aubree had been happy to go see her mother now she was saying that she wished she never had been left with her. 

"She said that she didn't want to be with me anymore that she wished that she had gotten placed with you." She knew that her daughter had always wanted to know him but saying that and then running away was a lot even for Aubree.

"I'll call you when i find her."


I'm so sorry

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