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Kol was standing by the window. Elena was asleep he was just watching out the window. He was happy that they were all safe happy that nothing had happened but terrified of what could have happened. He heard movement from the hall going to open the door and seeing Aubree. He knew that sometimes she had trouble sleeping. "What's wrong?"

"I couldn't sleep." She had to many things running through her mind guilt worry that when she woke up her mom wouldn't be there. 

He kneeled in front of her he knew that all of this was a lot on both twins they had almost lost her. "What's wrong?"

She should have figured it out and she was angry that she hadn't she should have realized that her mom always put her above her own feelings. "I feel bad she only put up with him for me."

"She'll do anything to protect you." He knew that from when they were dating those she loved and cared about she refused to let get hurt. She was even more of a marytr now that she had kids that she would protect at any cost.

"I put her through so much, and she almost died protecting me." She didn't know how to feel she made her mom feel horrible almost got herself killed just to find out that everything she had been doing had only ever been to protect her. 

"Come on." He stood up taking her hand, walking her back into his room. "Climb in with your mom." He knew right now they needed each other more than anything.

Aubree nodded, going to climb in next to her mom. Right now all she wanted was her mom.

Elena woke up to her daughter cuddling into her.  "She was scared." 

She turned to see Kol standing by the window guessing that he never went to sleep after they had come up here. "And how long ago was that?"

"Couple hours." He was to worried that if he went to sleep he would wake up and everything would have been a dream that she would have been dead.

She sighed sitting up being careful not to wake up Aubree. She knew that it had been a long day for everyone that it had been scary and that they hadn't known what was going to happen btu everything was turning out alright for the most part so they had to be happy with that.  "Then why are you awake? We're fine. Stop worrying. Get some sleep."
Henrick awoke the next morning looking for Aubree. He couldn't find her and that worried him knowing that yesterday had been a lot for her.  "This is not funny?"

Hope walked out of her room confused she knew that Henrick was an early riser but this was ridiculous. "What's wrong?"

"I can't find Aubree." Henrick knew his sister liked playing jokes but he didn't think she would do it in a time like this. 

Hope shook her head she got why he was worried there was a lot going on. But she also knew that Aubree probably wanted to be close to her mom after everything that happened. "Did you check with your dad she may be in there?"

Henrick guessed that she had a point but he knew Aubree prefered to do everything herself instead of asking for help. "Aubree doesn't like admitting that she is scared."

"But i don't think that applies after yesterday, Ric." Hope knew that after yesterday Aubree wanted to be as close to her mom as possible no matter the last few months they had the longer history. "It was a hard for y'all."

Henrick knew that it was hard for him to he had always wanted his mom back and when he finally got her back it was like he almost lost her again. "I was scared she wasn't going to make it that i had just gotten her back, and i was already losing her."

"But what about how Aubree felt even if she acts like the world doesn't phase her? That's her mom." It was definitely going to be different for them all her life she had her mom who did everything for her. "And not only has she always been there for her since she was younger after the stunt that Aubree just pulled she thought she messed everything up and lets not forget the she was only dating the guy to protect Aubree and now you." Hope knew that he needed to understand that for Aubree this was a little different.

"I hate when you're right, hope." He knew that his cousin did have a point this was a lot especially for Aubree. 

"That's because i usually am because i am the most level-headed of all of us." Hope knew that out of all of them she was the most calm under pressure and that both her cousins inherited her uncles temper.

"That is not true." He knew it was but he didn't want to admit it to her.

"Yes, it is, and we both know it." Hope was not going to argue with him right now she was sure that they all just needed to rest and relax right now. 


"Go back to sleep Ric i think we all need our rest right now."


Freya was still studying their movement. She looked around at everyone else she knew that they all wanted this to be over with sooner than later.  "They don't want to hit us yet they want to wait until we least expect it."


There's a part two to this and then a epilouge

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