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Elena woke up to knocking on her front door. She got up going to open the door seeing Kol standing with Aubree and Henrick.

"Mom, are you ok?" Aubree could see that her mom was a little off she guessed she was tired or something.

"Fine just tired you guys go inside while I talk to your dad." She needed to talk to him she had things set in motion and she knew how impulsive and reckless he could be, and she didn't want him ruining anything that she had planned. 

"Ok." The two ran inside to their rooms Elena stepped out closing the door. They wanted their parents to remember that they were once in love and get there again. So to do that giving them all the space that theey wanted to talk was crucial. "Did you get a chance to talk to her?"

"She hasn't changed her mind." He did attempt talking to Aubree again, but she was set on not being nice to any new guy in her mom's life and he didn't see that changing. He tried because it was her asking. He was happy that his daughter was not changing her mind it made it easier for him.

While she knew that it wasn't the best idea, and she was going to be very careful when she did let it happen. She needed him to think that he had her. It was the only way that she was going to get close enough. "I'm having them meet him."

"Doesn't it seem a little soon." She knew that Aubree had a history of not liking anyone that Elena was with for that he was thankful that they had that in common.  He didn't want to see her move on and before he threw everything away and tried to get another chance with her, he needed them to move as slowly as possible.

She scoffed rolling her eyes she should have figured that this was coming. And while she did like that it was him saying it. She knew that she had to protect herself and her kids at all costs. "Don't do that not when they know Davina it's not fair whether she likes it or not she is going to have to deal with him being around."

Kol knew that she was right he did allow Davina around them right away. But Henrick had known all the girls that he had been with. Davina was always around they had been together awhile he couldn't just ban her suddenly. "Your best friends don't trust him." Not the best defense but he couldn't just say nothing.

And she knew that they had very good reasons for not liking him and as much fun as it would be to let Bonnie get rid of him. There was more where he came from, and she needed to know what they were up to so that she would be able to stop that and to do that she needed to make him think that she did actually love him even if it wasn't true. "Up until recently they didn't trust you either they are looking out for me when they don't have to i can make these decisions on my own i don't need any of you to do it for me,"

"I changed." He wasn't the same person that she had known a decade ago he had wanted to be better to never hurt anyone like he had her.

"Bonnie doesn't like anyone and now she is routing for you of course she is going to say that he is evil." That wasn't the truth she knew that, but she needed him to let this play out. Of course, she wanted them to be a thing again, but she couldn't let that happen not knowing this danger coming for her family. "You can't just say well they don't like them. I'm about to order food thanks for bringing them." She turned around to walk back into her house she couldn't continue to have these moments with him. He still had Davina and she needed to pull this off to give her a sense of security. 


She turned back to face him avoiding him wasn't the easiest when they shared custody of Aubree and Henrick, but she could avoid having these talks, but again old habits die hard. "What now?"

"Are you ok?" He was guessing that she had just woken up he knew that when he had talked to her earlier, she had told him that she had been out all night.

"I just woke up I slept all day." She was thankful that he had been able to keep them so that she could get some sleep and rest. And now she was going to feed her children stay up with them for a few hours and then go back to sleep until morning. "Thanks for keeping them i needed that."

"No problem, I'll see you later." Maybe he did miss the talks with her maybe he was ready to risk it all to get her back. But to do any of that he was going to have to start simple.

"Yeah." She walked back in the house closing the door. 

He walked away looking at his phone Rousseau's be there one hour- Caroline.


After they had all ate Elena now wanted to bring up the topic to Aubree. But Elena knew how it was going to do she knew that her daughter was going to try and fight her on this. "So, your dad told me that he talked to you."

"He did and my answer still remains the same." She knew that her mom had hoped that having Kol talk to his mini would change her mind. And she knew that her dad was only doing it because it was her mom that had asked. But she was sure that her dad could agree that they didn't want her to be happy with this new guy. "I don't want to meet him." She knew that it was going to upset her mom and she knew thaat what she was going to do next was really going to upset her. But it had to be done she had to get her parents back together and this was the first step in doing that.

"You don't have a choice." She wasn't offering Aubree the chance to decline meeting him it was happening whether she liked it or not. She just hoped that her daughter would do this one thing for her. 

Aubree chuckled lightly giving her famous smirk. Her mom could try all she wanted to make it happen. But she had made up her mind long ago she was getting her parents back together. And she wasn't letting anyone get in the way. "I'm not being nice to him."

"Yes, you are." Elena hated that her daughter could never just do one thing that she wanted her to do. She always had to argue it always had to be a fight. Well, she wasn't letting Aubree off on this one,

"No, I'm not I'm tired of you dating all the guys that you choose suck." Maybe they didn't she didn't really care she knew that her mom deserved to be happy, and she would let her be but just preferably with her dad instead of anyone else.

"How would you know you never even take the time to get to know any of them you just decide that you don't like them." She had noticed that a long time ago of course if her daughter didn't like them, she used to tell them that they couldn't be together. But some of them were some decent guys but her daughter had never cared about that. Only that her mom didn't move on to anyone else but her father. "Me and your dad are not happening again he ruined that years ago and nothing that you say or do is going to change that Aubree." And maybe that was wrong maybe after she figured all of this out her and Kol could be together again but for right now, she needed Aubree to just get along with her boyfriend this one time.


A/N getting more into what Elena's new boyfriend is doing and Kol has made it his mission to try and get him back but he still has to ditch Davina and Aubree has made it her mission to get her parents together and she is about to do some really shitty things to make it happen

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