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Elena looked to Kol no matter how much she couldn't stand him they had to talk. "Can we talk?" 

"Yeah follow me." He knew the two of them did need to talk they needed to figure out what they were going to do they had kids together they were going to have to be in each other's lives.

Elena turned towards her daughter she knew how she felt about this particular crowd and didn't put it past her to try and do something. "You better listen."

She followed Kol into the parlor leaving the kids. Aubree waited till she knew that her parents were out of ear shot to punch Henrick in the shoulder. 

"Oww!" He rubbed his shoulder glaring at her he didn't understand why she had to make it so hard to be nice to her.

She scoffed throwing her hands up her mother had just met him and she had already decided who her favorite was. It was not fair. "She already likes you better."

"Everything that comes out of your mouth is usually a lie." Henrick reminded he knew that may have had something to do with why their mother had already chosen him as her favorite child. Because she couldn't trust the other one.

She shook her head rolling her eyes she had an advantage now she could actually trust him because they were no longer in the dream world so that meant that she could actually hurt him now. "It's no longer a dream world bro everything i do you will feel."

"I'll remember that why did y'all leave Mystic Falls again." He knew how to make his twin tick and he was going to use that to his advantage. He knew that she hated talking about why they had to leave Mystic Falls. Mostly because it was all her fault. "Wasn't it because you did something that mom had to fix."

Aubree chuckled darkly looking at her brother. If he wanted to play that card then she had something for him. "Oh you better watch it Mr. or I will give you the biggest headache in the world."

"Your to chicken to do it." Henrick challenged he didn't think that his sister would actually do it somethings she would but he knew somethings even she wouldn't do.

"Wanna bet." She was ready to do anything right now she didn't care if she would get in trouble its not like she would actually listen.

"Didn't mom just tell you to listen?" He didn't get why she could never just do what she was told. Why did she always have to challenge everything that she was ever told.

She didn't think her brother really understood her she didn't listen to what people told her. It went in one ear and out the other. It was just who she was. "Since when have i ever done that."

"Well you did agree to the plan before you chickened out." He didn't get how she could agree to something and then just turn around and do the exact opposite.

"Ugh." She groaned she had no time for him right now he had to bring up their stupid plan to tell their parents of their dream world. She hadn't seen it actually turning out right so she had went with not telling her mother about it

Rebekah looked between the two things were starting to make a lot of sense for her. Pieces of why her nephew had always acted the way that he  did. And completely different from how her older brother acted. "They are copies of there parents and things are now starting to make a lot of sense."

Hayley looked to her she hadn't known Elena so she didn't get what Rebekah was saying. She got that Aubree definitely acted like Kol though. "What does that mean?"

"I now see why Henrick is so nice unlike his father." Kol was the opposite of Henrick so she never really got how that was possible but now it was making sense.

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