Chapter 1: The Start

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I don't own the names, and a lot of the information. Its from the Twilight Saga, of course. I hope you enjoy!

I stood in front of the mirror, staring at myself. My bright crimson eyes stared back at me, reminding me so much of the familiar taste of blood. I couldn't help but to lick my lips at the thought of blood. It tasted so delicious, so great, yet it was never enough. I always had to go back after feeding to get some more blood. I knew I had become obsessed, but that's what happens. I knew now that there was nothing I could ever do about it. I was a vampire, and this was purely my nature.

I tried to recall how long ago I had been in Forks. What year had it been? 2009, if I can recall correctly. Had it really been four years since I had last been here? It felt like barely a day. Of course, when I knew that I was going to live for eternity, four years literally was nothing. 

I knew that it was dumb to come back to Forks. Surely the people who still remembered me would notice the way my skin looked like white marble, that I hadn't aged a day, and that my eyes were crimson red. Yet, I knew that I could pull it off if I had to. And I have to.

I became a vampire four years ago, here in the very town of Forks. It had been a cloudy day, and the fish weren't biting, so I went out to the graveyard, all alone. The fishing trip had reminded me too much of my dear old friend, Harry Clearwater, who died from a heart attack. Or so I thought.

I visited his grave, and I ended up talking out loud, as if I was talking to him, probably looking like a crazy old guy, if you asked me. I sat there for many hours, even after it had gotten dark. I told him about everything. About how there was something strange going on with my daughter, and the Cullens. I told him about how Jacob Black, and the rest of those boys were werewolves. Later on, I mentioned Leah and couldn't help but to laugh at myself for forgetting her. She was always hot-tempered about that. In addition to the wolves and what ever those Cullen folks were, I told him about how I didn't really want to know. All I knew was that the family Bella put herself in was a family of something that just wasn't right, and she had made herself what ever they were. Then, as I sighed in remorse about how much I missed my Bella, Harry appeared to me.

He was just there, standing there. He was staring straight at me, and I looked around to see if I was alone in the graveyard. Once I confirmed that I was alone, I looked back to Harry. He wasn't the same. His usually tan skin had gone completely pale, and the wrinkles that had been set into his face had disappeared. He looked very young. About 30, at the very oldest. I couldn't put my finger on who he reminded me of, but the resemblance was uncanny.

Then, I noticed his eyes, which had been hidden before by the shadow of his cap. There were bright red, the color of blood. I shivered, and knew now who he reminded me of. He looked like the Cullen family. 

The Cullens didn't have red eyes, I knew. They all had these strange golden eyes that had never made any sense to me. Yet, the face... The skin tone, the perfectness of Harry's face. I knew at that second that what ever he was, it was the same thing that my Bells had been turned into.

Harry came closer to me, and he started to speak. "I knew of the werewolves, Charlie. I lived in La Push, on the reservation. All of us knew. All of the council members, at least. We were all very aware of the werewolves, as well as the vampires. There was legend that the Cullens were vampires, and we all knew it was true, but I never imagined that I would be one of them."

"You're a Cullen? What? Vampires? Harry, you're not making any sense what so ever. How could you be what the Cullens are? You're dead!" I replied.

"That's what we all gave you the impression of. Do you know what that heart attack was caused by, Charlie?"

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