Chapter 63.

Mulai dari awal

"Ils me l'ont donné parce qu'ils se sentaient mal," They gave it to me because they felt bad, he replied, almost rolling his eyes. For a second I waited for him to tell me he was kidding, but he didn't. I stomped on his foot and gave him a serious look as he grunted from pain, bending down to put his hand around his aching foot. "Ne cassez pas ces, Ils ont besoin de travailler sur les pédales," Don't break these, they need to work on the pedals.

"Ne dis pas ça! tu as mérité cette victoire!" Don't say that! You deserved that win! I tell, holding a warning finger up to his face, but he just laughs, standing up straight. He laughs.

"D'accord, je suis désolé," Okay, I'm sorry, he snickers as he pulls me closer again, kissing me, again. I started to work his Ferrari shirt off his body, because even though I do like him in Ferrari, I like to have him off-duty.

There were some crazy, intense days. The first day, it was horribly hot out, so I was in linen shorts and a marine blue top and I put my hair up with a claw clip. I paired it with my pair of converse and we left for the paddock with Arthur, Andrea and Nicolas.

One of the craziest parts was the police having to escort us to the paddock parking area. It was so crowded that I was scared of hitting someone and there were basically people squeezed to the car. Luckily, I was in the middle seat with Arthur and Andrea on either side of me, so I imagined them as two walls.

Mia met up with us as soon as we stepped out of the car and she told me that it would be a good idea for me to practice my media presence there, but I wasn't that onboard, considering the crowds went ballistic when the Ferrari drivers approached.

I did, however, end up talking to people, as Arthur pulled me with him. They took some photos, they asked what I had done all summer, but most of the questions got blurred into other questions and I couldn't hear single people talking. They all just tried to talk at the same time and I just got heard less and less until Arthur pulled me with him to move on, where the same thing ended up happening.

We finally got inside and there were cameras everywhere. There's always a lot of cameras, but they were everywhere and they were all following us as we walked further into the paddock, which just made me want to stay and wait until Charles and the photographers were gone before walking. But sweet angel Arthur came into play and noticed I wasn't comfortable, creating some distance between us and the majority of the photographers, even though some of them took the opportunity to get pictures of Arthur and I and still followed us rather than Charles. Arthur did tell them to stop and back off a bit and I was very thankful that they did.

Evie was stuck in Belgium after the whole thing that happened last week and Max had arrived late for the same reason. Because she wasn't there, I spent my days by Arthur's side. He even helped me work on this whole camera thing.

I was embarrassed about still not being comfortable and used to it, and I told Arthur that I didn't want it to be like that, and he helped me every chance he got. When there were cameras snapping photos of us, he told me to smile. When the TV camera was on us and we could see ourselves on the screen, wave. I looked away a lot, feeling all awkward, and I was petrified when my mom sent me a video of her and dad on the sofa at home, watching on TV as Arthur took my hand and waved at the camera when it was on us.

Charles was the fastest in both the first sessions and his energy was on top, considering he just lost a friend a week ago, but it was nice to see him bounce back so quickly. He was smiling, waving at the Tifosi that was loud and supportive, he was having a good time overall.

When we got back after the first day, I came across some criticism of my outfit. There were pictures of me walking in next to Arthur, behind Charles, and they were talking about my choice of clothing, just like I've seen them do with the wags that walk in. They were saying how they 'appreciated my tanned, long, legs moment, but they expected more' and I made a mental note to actually try to do something more extra for the next day.

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