Chapter 172: Le Yao Yao was tone deaf

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This was the first time Le Yao Yao played a guqin. Her playing was unbearable. Even she felt goosebumps listening to herself (and they weren't the good type of goosebumps).

Eh?! Why was it that when Dongfang Bai played, he sounded like sounds of nature; but when she played, she sounded like she was trying to seal a death charm?

Thinking of this, Le Yao Yao felt very bad and stopped playing. She looked kind of depressed.

Seeing this, Dongfang Bai smiled and tried to comfort her, "Actually, it's not bad. After all, it's your first time."

"Really?!" Hearing Dongfang Bai's praise, Le Yao Yao immediately felt a lot better. She was filled with confidence again. She was ready to take on this new challenge.

Although she was tone deaf and it sounded awful, the listener didn't why should she?

As a result, Le Yao Yao spent the entire afternoon learning. Since Le Yao Yao was a relatively fast learner, she ended up making substantial improvements after practicing for an entire afternoon.

Dongfang Bai continued to encourage her, and Le Yao Yao was very happy. She loved learning and wanted to play even more.

Le Yao Yao wasn't sure what the reason was...was it because she wanted to impress Dongfang Bai? Or was it something else?

Currently, Dongfang Bai was standing behind her as he reached his hands above Le Yao Yao to fix her position. Whenever Le Yao Yao played a wrong note, he would guide her.

So now, one of them was being a focused student while the other one was being a focused teacher. Both of their attention were purely on the instrument. However, to someone else, their gestures implied much more.

"What are you two doing?" A low voice growled.

Le Yao Yao was very dedicated to her practice when she suddenly heard the familiar icy voice.

It was clearly Summer and the weather was roasting hot. Yet, this voice was like the bitter cold. It had the ability to drop the surrounding temperature by several degrees.

Standing by the entrance of the back courtyard were Leng Jun Yu and Nian Sulan. Leng Jun Yu's icy aura and furious eyes were an indication that he was mad.

"Eh...?" Seeing how angry Leng Jun Yu was, Le Yao Yao felt speechless.

What the heck is wrong with him now?! Wasn't he fine this morning?

But when her eyes landed on the woman next to him, Le Yao Yao felt as if her mind exploded.

Why was Nian Sulan with the King of Hell? She was aware that the Dowager Empress had asked to see the King of Hell. But now, he was with Sulan? Could they have been together this whole time?

Thinking of this, Le Yao Yao felt very uncomfortable. It was as if her heart was rolling in vinegar.

So now, her face appeared more depressed. But although she was upset, Le Yao Yao knew her position. She was a servant, so she must act her role accordingly.

Le Yao Yao instantly stood up and respectfully greeted the King of Hell.

"Servant wishes Prince Rui well."

However, although Le Yao Yao was being respectful, Leng Jun Yu's face still looked very menacing.

The atmosphere was very awkward. Even Nian Sulan could sense it. So, she turned her seductive eyes on the little eunuch; appearing confused.

The little eunuch looked very cute. His skin was comparable to an unshelled hard boiled egg. There were absolutely no imperfections on his face.

She had never seen such an attractive looking eunuch before!

The Eunuch is Pregnant [1]Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora