Chapter 121: The emptiness

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Le Yao Yao never got a response from the King of Hell.

Because, the next day, after she woke up and was about to go serve the King of Hell, she received a shocking news

Apparently, pirates have been acting savagely and countless of fishermen have been slaughtered. So now, the Emperor was stressed and the King of Hell had rushed towards Mount Tai after hearing the news.

According to sources, the King of Hell was personally going to handle the pirates, however, no one knows when he would be able to return.

It may be ten days, a month, a year or two, or perhaps three, five, seven years!

Le Yao Yao found out about this through other eunuchs.

Three, five, or seven years?

Doesnt that mean she wouldnt have to face the King of Hell on a daily basis anymore? Even if he returns, she would be gone three years from now!?

This type of result was good for her.

But for some reason, when she realized that the King of Hell was gone and that she may never see him again, it was as if a stone was squishing her.

Oh God. Whats wrong with her? She clearly doesnt like him. Wasnt it good that he was gone? Why does she feel so shitty then?

Le Yao Yao felt conflicted. In addition, Le Yao Yao noticed that she had no energy after the King of Hell left.

Everyday, she felt muddleheaded. She lived with no purpose.

In the morning, after she woke up, she would tidy up the entire Ya Feng Ge. And then, there would be nothing else for her to do.

Since the King of Hell was gone, naturally, Mei and Xing were by his side. So, there were no one else living in Ya Feng Ge aside from her.

Today marked the third day since the King of Hells departure. After Le Yao Yao had completed her tasks, she went to the cafeteria at noon.

Xiao Mu Zi was sitting and waiting for her arrival.

After Le Yao Yao got her food, she immediately went to sit with Xiao Mu Zi.

Xiao Yao Zi, are you not feeling well?

The moment Le Yao Yao sat down, that was the first question Xiao Mu Zi asked.

Im not feeling unwell. Why do you ask?

Xiao Yao Zi, these days, your complexion has been very poor. Are you sure youre not sick? Also, Ive noticed youve been lacking energy lately. But although you dont look so well, youre eating more than normal. Surprisingly, you havent gained any extra weight!

Hearing Xiao Mu Zis words, Le Yao Yao lowered her head and looked at the mountain high white rice in her bowl. She was astonished and realized she has indeed been eating a lot lately!

But strangely, she still felt hungry regardless of how much she ate.

However, based on the age of this body, she should be going through puberty. That must be the reason!

Thinking of this, Le Yao Yao smiled, Xiao Mu Zi, dont worry about me. My body needs to grow! You should eat more too! So you will be able to go through puberty!

Is that so? Then I wont have to worry. Earlier, I was seriously concernedhaha.

After Le Yao Yao and Xiao Mu Zi were finished eating, Cook Li suddenly came towards them and asked Le Yao Yao a question.

Xiao Yao Zi, do you know a little maiden named Ru Shuang?

Eh? Ru Shuang?

Hearing Cook Lis words, Le Yao Yao paused and recalled that ever since she helped Ru Shuang redeemed her body, she had never seen her again.

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