What's Expected

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Arnook watched with growing rage as he saw his daughter and the Firebender turn him with panicked eyes.

I can't believe it.

He had specifically told Yue not to be alone with the Firebender.

He didn't want his daughter alone with someone dangerous, someone that could have made his vision from years ago come to life.

Someone that could have taken his baby girl away from him.

But not only had she ignored his warning, but she also took him to the most sacred place in Agna Qel'a. This housed the mortal form of Tui and La.

The Firebender was here, uncontested all night. If he attacked Yue no one would have known. If he attacked Tui and La...

His mind flashed back to his daughter walking into that golden fire, the vision that showed his city burning to the ground along with her.

This has gone on long enough.

He didn't know why Tui wanted Yue to marry a firebender. He didn't understand why Yue seemed to agree with her, but he was done being complacent.

I was going to wait until the month was over to show Tui I was 'giving him a chance', but that was a mistake. Even if it is a risk I need to separate them now before they get any ideas.

He glared at the Firebender, his anger laced in his words as he addressed his daughter, "I told you not to be alone with him Yue."

Yue paused, biting back the sting she felt at her father's disappointed tone, "I wasn't alone with him... Tui and La-"

"Don't lie to me!"

Yue flinched at her father's enraged voice, not used to being on the receiving end of his anger.

I've never seen him this mad before. Even when Tekka ignored tradition for his proposal he wasn't this mad.

Yue opened her mouth to try and calm him down, pausing as she saw Zuko step in front of her.

"Calm down."

Arnook felt his patience snap at the Firebender's words, making a point to grip the bone sword in his waist.

He spoke in an icy voice, "Calm down. Do you want me to calm down? I'll tell you what would calm me down Firebender. You stepping away from my daughter and leaving Agna Qel'a before I have you executed!"

Yue's eyes widened at her father's order, "But he didn't do anything wrong! He hasn't broken any-"

"He knows our greatest secret, Yue! He knows where Tui and La are! He could destroy the tribe and everyone in it!"

"He wouldn't do that!"

"You don't know that!"

Yue fumed, beyond mad that her father was being this unreasonable.

He didn't do anything wrong. Why can't he just see that already?

Yue opened her mouth to argue, pausing as Zuko spoke up, his quiet voice pulling them out of their argument.

"I can't do that."

Zuko's mind flashed to all the times his father yelled, and how often it was followed by something worse.

Dreamers (Zuko x Yue)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ