Northern Water Tribe pt. 2

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Yue was in the Oasis when she saw Tui glowing brighter than she usually did, seemingly swimming faster in happiness.

What's with her? Is it because of Mira's wedding?

Mira's wedding was coming up soon, and even Yue was excited about it.

She felt a little dread, knowing that her engagement ceremony would come only a week after, but she chose to focus on her new sister-in-law.

She was about to ask what Tui was so excited about when she heard Mira bursting into the Oasis, "Yue! The avatar and his friends came. They're being brought to the gates right now, come on!"

Yue stood up in shock, following Mira as she made her way to the gates of Agna Qel'a.

She stood by her father's left side, with Tekka on her right as the gates opened and a fluffy floating creature swam through.

She couldn't see the people on the creature because of the Waterbenders surrounding them, but she kept her face neutral, knowing her father would want to introduce the Avatar to his family.

She watched as the group stepped onto the ice.

She spotted a monk with blue tattoos, a boy and a girl that looked to be a water tribe, and another taller one with a parka and a hood covering their head.

It looks like one of the water benders gave them a parka, it's way too big on him.

She turned to her father as he started introducing himself, "Hello Avatar, I am honored that you chose to learn Waterbending in Agna Qel'a. My name is Arnook, and my wife's name is Ulna. This is my son Tekka and his fiancée Mira."

Tekka and Mira bowed, "It is an honor to have you in our humble city Avatar. Please come to us with anything you need."

Aang looked at the people bowing and rubbed his head uncomfortably, "Uh. Sure thing. Thanks for having us."

I hate when people do this!

Arnook continued the introduction, seemingly unaware of Aang's crisis, "And this is my daughter Yue. She is the pride and joy of our Tribe, and will be happy to give you a tour of the city if you so need it."

Yue bowed, making sure to keep her voice neutral like she was taught, "It is an honor to meet your acquaintance Avatar. I will gladly give you a tour of Agna Qel'a if you so wish it."

Aang groaned internally as he accepted the kind girl's offer, "Thanks for the offer. We'll be sure to take you up on it when we have time."

He breathed in relief as she stopped bowing before remembering his manners, "Oh shoot! I should introduce my friends and me too."

Yue watched as the Avatar pointed to himself, "My name is Aang, I'm the Avatar."

Aang pointed to the water tribe boy that was staring at her with wide eyes, "This is Sokka, and this is Katara. They're from the Southern Water Tribe and came to learn Waterbending too."

Arnook nodded, not minding teaching a Southern Waterbender, "Of course. Master Pakku is the best Waterbender in the Northern Water Tribe, he'll be able to teach you and your friend tomorrow."

Yue rolled her eyes at Pakku's smug expression, I don't care if he's technically the best Waterbender in the Tribe. He's still a jerk.

She turned back to the Avatar whose friends were celebrating excitedly behind him.

She looked at the stranger with the hood, they still hadn't moved and she couldn't see their face.

Why aren't they celebrating too? Isn't that what they came here for?

Dreamers (Zuko x Yue)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt