A New Friend

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After their conversation about the Northern Lights a few days ago, Zuko started warming up to Yue.

Yue would even go as far as to say they were friends.

She never thought she would be friends with the royalty of the Fire Nation.

Her parents had described Fire Nation royals as vile creatures that only sought destruction.

Zuko was scared to touch the Koi Fish because he thought he would hurt them, he couldn't be less destructive if he tried.

It was safe to say her parents had been wrong about that one.

So now her favorite part of the day was when she fell asleep, waking up in the dream Oasis and spending the night talking to Zuko.

She had learned a lot about him since he warmed up to her.

She now knew that he was a big softie on animals, even if he wouldn't admit it. She also knew that Fire Lilies were his favorite flowers, even though he wouldn't tell her why. His favorite food was Spicy Komodo chicken which she wanted to try one day, and he was really good with swords.

And she meant really good with swords.

After finding out they could summon things in the Oasis as long as they weren't too complicated or alive, Zuko summoned his Dao swords.

He asked her if it was okay for him to practice with them since he didn't get many opportunities to practice during the day.

She said it was fine and watched him go through some sword movements, doing a round of shadow sparring to end it.

She had seen Tekka spar sometimes with his spear and bone sword. She could confidently say that Tekka was shaping up to be the best warrior in the Tribe.

But the way Zuko used his swords was different than how Tekka used them.

Tekka was rigid and wild, attacking quickly at any opening he saw and latching onto it until he won.

Zuko was fluid, he used his swords like he was a dancer, gracefully shifting from move to move without stopping.

He reminded her of a Waterbender.

That was why she was now heading to watch Master Pakku's lessons, for the first time in months.

Watching Zuko move fluidly and seamlessly while he trained made her realize that she finally had an answer to her earlier problems. She may still not have a teacher, but now she has someone who can spar with her.

She knew she may struggle to convince him. She didn't know how it was in the Fire Nation but women fighting at the North Pole was frowned upon. She figured the Fire Nation wasn't that different.

But she was determined to get him to spar with her. If she felt like she could push her luck she may even ask him to teach her how to fight unarmed. He seemed to know how.

I know I'm risking a lot. We just became friends, after all. I don't want to offend him. But I have to try at least. I'll never have a better chance to improve my bending, sparring with him could teach me how to do what Pakku does in his class.

The best part was that she couldn't get caught.

No one in the North Pole except Tui and La knew about her dreams, and as far as she was concerned it was going to stay that way.

She already knew how her parents would react if they found out she was friends with the Fire Nation Prince.

They would never leave her alone. They might even beg Tui and La to take back the dreams so she could be 'safe'.

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