Change pt.1

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Mira liked to consider herself observant.

Her boyfriend was the son of Chief Arnook, he had 100 different tells because he was used to acting strong in front of people.

He liked to take on challenges that were not on his level and pushed himself too far most days.

She knew this because he was constantly studying under Arnook in preparation for when he took over the tribe.

He also kept training under Hahn's dad so he could become the best warrior in the tribe one day. He and Hahn were close, but Tekka edged out a win in their sparring sessions more often than not.

Finally, she knew that Tekka liked to visit other parts of the North Pole, since he would one day rule it he wanted to make sure he knew every part of it.

He worked hard to live up to his birthright, and it was one of the reasons she loved him.

But that is also the reason she knew that Tekka's little sister may have been feeling neglected since Tekka became so busy.

Yue was sweet and Mira hoped one day she would be her little sister.

But even if that didn't come to fruition, she thought of Yue as a friend, and as her friend, she noticed that Yue had been acting odd.

The first signs of it were when she stopped watching Pakku's bending lessons around a year ago.

Mira had asked her why she stopped watching and she just responded grimly that 'it didn't matter.

Then she started spending all her free time in the Oasis.

That wasn't that odd, Tekka had told her about the secret Oasis and how it was Yue's favorite place in the world.

But she spent all of her time there.

If Mira didn't know about the Oasis she would think that Yue never left the palace.

She had been worried, and when Tekka finally came back from his last expedition around the North Pole she was planning on talking to him about her.

But then she started to change again.

She had gone back to Pakku's lessons and spent less time in the Oasis.

She seemed happier too, although Mira for the life of her couldn't figure out why.

From what she could see nothing had changed, Tekka had gotten back but he still rarely had time to hang out with Yue.

Mira would like to spend time with Yue but she was being taught how to be the next chieftess. Her dad and Arnook seemed to have an unofficial agreement that she and Tekka would get engaged when she turned 16.

She wasn't complaining, there were a lot of pig heads that lived at the North Pole and she already loved Tekka. She thought she was the luckiest woman in the Agna Qel'a for being allowed to marry someone she loved.

But that didn't change the fact that nothing obvious had changed to make Yue in a better mood.

The only thing she could think of was that Hahn stopped trying to woo her.

The whole birthday incident had made damn sure of that.

Mira smiled a little, still proud of Yue for the look on Hahn's face as he tried to play it off.

'Didn't want her to embarrass herself' my ass. She whooped him, and he's too much of a coward to admit it.

Hahn was a jerk to all the women in Agna Qel'a, the only reason she put up with him was that he was Tekka's friend.

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