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Jungkook pictured that everything would fall into place, but that was just a thought. He expected the members to scream their lungs out with happiness when he finally revealed his relationship with Taehyung, but he was wrong. It was all a thought.

He expected them to rejoice because they had all been supportive of them since the beginning of the situation, giving him advice, coaching him on what to do, and asking him every damn single second how he was and how they were.

He almost burst into tears when he saw Namjoon's disappointed expression, as opposed to the other members' worried expressions. He's not sure; it just seems like what he just said shouldn't be told.

Namjoon's countenance instantly shifts to a faint smile when he realizes that his mind is rulling over more than his heart. He is not the antagonist in this story, to reiterate. He wanted to give him a hug that would have taken the sadness from jungkook's face. He doesn't mean to respond in that manner. It's just that his mind instantly took control of his body when he heard it from Jungkook himself.

When Jungkook intertwined his and Taehyung's hands, Namjoon's mind was filled with what ifs. He had already envisioned the consequences of their decision. He's not unhappy with their relationship; in fact, he's very happy. What stopping him from feeling happy is the worry he is feeling.

"Jungkook. It's not like I'm not happy with what you've just said." Namjoon tried his best to calm his mind from worrying too much, but he can't. Being the leader is one of the toughest responsibility but that's not a thing for namjoon anymore. He's not only worrying because he's the leader of the group, he is also worrying as Jungkook and taehyung's older brother.

Jungkook smiled at him, "I know hyung. You don't owe us an explanation."

"But I want to explain. Can we like talk? In private? You, taehyungie and I?"

"Alright, Hyung, but can that talk wait? I mean, can I celebrate my birthday first?"

Namjoon smiles and quickly gave Jungkook a hug, "of course you can. We can have the talk tomorrow at anytime you're comfortable with." He gently patted jungkook's back, still not letting go of the hug. "Happy birthday, Jungkook."

Jungkook let go of the hug, "thank you hyung and please stop worrying."

Namjoon chuckles, "you are a brother to me. I can't stop worrying about you. Anyways, as a birthday gift, I'm letting you two go out."

Jungkook's eyes automatically lit up, "what do you mean?"

"Avoid people as much as you can and don't forget to return here unharmed, okay?"

"Oh my god hyung, are you serious?!"

Namjoon shrugged while smiling, " just go before I can change my mind." Jungkook gave him a quick hug before rushing to their room.


"What's with the rush?! You brat, I almost dropped him on the ground!!" Jimin yelled over the phone.

"Don't fucking yell! Where the hell are you?!" Jungkook asks, not minding taehyung trying to eavesdrop his call with Jimin.

"Everything is where it should, Jungkook! Don't have high expectations! You promised to arrive here by six o'clock, but now you're already on your way! "

Jungkook chuckles, "I love you hyung!"

"Stop saying that word in front of your jealous ass boyfriend!" Jungkook took a glance on taehyung. He is busy driving while seriously looking at the road.

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