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For some reason, Taehyung and Jungkook were both scowling. They didn't even bother to acknowledge the fans who had been waving at them for several minutes now. It's not that They are not appreciative or what, both of them are just really not in the mood and something has been bothering them for hours.

They have now arrived at a grocery store nearby the rest house. It was Yoongi who requested them to buy their necessities. Why did Yoongi ask them? simply because since after the door-slamming issue, they have both been ignoring one another. This is the first time yoongi saw them like this. They never fought or like this ignoring each other.

"Stop furrowing." Taehyung asks.

Jungkook rolled his eyes, "who cares?" And just by that, he left him at the frozen section of the grocery store.

Jungkook is upset, He is sure about that. Taehyung never raised his voice on him, he never got annoyed at him and he never treated Jungkook like that. He didn't know if he was just acting like a child or he just can't accept the fact that taehyung is really mad at him and he didn't know the reason.

"Jeon Jungkook?? Oh my God! It's you!" He smiled when he saw a little girl waving at him. "Can I took a photo of you?" The little girl asks.

Jungkook and Taehyung went to the grocery store without anybody. Just the two of them. It means no one's stopping them from doing what they wanted to do. Of course they are aware of the things that should be done and shouldn't.

"Okay baby girl, but promise me not to post this until we're gone in this store. Okay?" The little girl nodded and smiles. Jungkook positioned the camera in a selfie mode and click the shutter button several times. "Is that enough, baby?" The girl nodded.

"Thank you for this, oppa."

"No worries."

"Here. Someone wants to give this flowers to you." Jungkook furrowed his brows. The little girl suddenly handed him a little boquet of sunflowers. They are three pieces in total and it's really glowing in yellow.

"Oh my God . These are beautiful." The girl smiled at him and patted his arms.

"Frowning doesn't suit your cute bunny face. Always remember to smile, oppa!!" That's when he realized that he is in a public place. why is he acting like a child? But can you blame him? He's upset, he's just a person, he also feel emotions.

When he's done looking for the goods that he's searching, he is now looking for taehyung.

"Where did he go?" He whispers to himself. He was about to call him in his phone but also remember that he didn't bring his phone with him. How stupid of him.

"Taehyung is here omg!"

"Yeah. I saw it on Twitter. He is strolling around that's why I'm here!!"

"He's in the flowers section, let's go there!"

Jungkook felt as if cold water had been poured on him when he heard the two girls passing by him. His cap mask, and shades aren't enough to disguise them. They will definitely frustrate the management if they find out. Another one is that he left Taehyung alone. They split up. What kind of idiocy is that?

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