t h r e e

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The place is all set and so are the members. They are just waiting for the live to air. While waiting, taehyung is leaning his head on jungkook's shoulder. Jungkook's eyes automatically shifted to the staffs. He heaves out a sigh. He knew it.

"Hyung" he whispers on taehyung.

"Hmm?" Taehyung replied, eyes still shut.

"We're gonna start in a minute. They are looking at us." Taehyung opened his eyes and smiled.

"They eyeing us huh." He said smirking while fixing his clothes. "I'm so tired."

"Nah. You're just sleepy. You sleep late yesterday." Taehyung chuckled.

"You know me too well, kookie." He patted Jungkook's head, but Jungkook quickly removed it.

"Stop patting my head. I'm not a kid" He pouted.

"Ohhhhhh you're getting embarrassed now??" Taehyung asks, giggling. He shifted his gaze to others and called their attention. "Hobi hyung! Our jungkookie doesn't want us to baby him anymore!" Jungkook pouted.

Jungkook is 19 years old in Korean age but the members are always making him feel that he is a 5-year-old kid.

"Why kookie-ah?? You don't love us anymore?" Hobi placed his hands on his chest and act like he is in pain.

"He doesn't want us to be his hyungs." Jin joined and acted as if he is hurting too. 

"Puberty is hitting our maknae." Jungkook mentally facepalmed. He knew it was over when Jimin joined the others in teasing him. Jimin took masteral in this.

"You want banana milk, kookie-ah???" Not namjoon joining too.

Jungkook just wanted to disappear out of embarrassment. His face was also flushed from his member's mockery.

"Yahh! Stop teasing him!" Jungkook grinned as Yoongi yelled. He is really grateful to Yoongi since he always rescues him from his teasing Hyungs.

"Pack it up, everyone. Jungkook's lawyer is here." Taehyung said, and they all laughed.

The staff called their attention to fix themselves, they'll be starting in a minute.

"V-shi." Everyone looked at the staff when they called taehyung in a very serious tone. "Can you two switch your seats, with jimin?" Jungkook looked at the staff and caught him looking so mad at jungkook too.

'What the fuck is your problem?!' Jungkook asks in his mind.

'Is this what the hyungs meant when they said they don't want the staffs to get their hands on us? In our whole lives in this industry, this is the first time they told one of us to change seats. We have this seating arrangement in every live so we're totally aware of where are we seating. Is this about me and tae? I mean, they're literally looking at the two of us the whole time.'Jungkook can't help but rant in his mind.

Taehyung did not bother to answer and quietly stood up to change seats with jimin.

"Dul, Set. Bang! Tan! Annyeonghaseyo! Bangtan Sonyeondan-imnida!"

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