e i g h t e e n

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Taehyung spended a lot of time finding, tracing and tracking the sasaeng and their Manager's information. He doesn't care about his savings to lose, he just wanted to have enough evidences in case that they would put the blame on Jungkook.

Jungkook has been receiving a lot of hate, bash and threats, but still Bang pd isn't aware of the rumors circulating the internet. It's imposible that their own CEO doesn't know these rumors but, it is, since Choi Jongin is one of their managers.

No one's aware of what Jongin is up to. He's been managing BTS for three years now and doesn't have any problem but now, he's the big problem for BTS.

"Can we talk?" Jimin unexpectedly appears out of nowhere and asks a minute with Taehyung. Jimin presents such a grim face that Taehyung finds himself second-guessing something he hadn't even realized he had done.

Taehyung admits it. Sometimes, he has a tendency to act in haste without considering the effects his actions would have on others. Thought to be the most accurate act he is capable of executing, it sometimes proves to be false. impulsive decisions, one of the red flags he sometimes can't help but to do.

"You're scaring me, jiminie." Taehyung says, almost whispering while chuckling.

"As you should." Taehyung immediately frowned. As far as he can remember, he has been spending most of his time on Jungkook lately. He can't remember any impulsive doings he did that had to do with Jimin.

"What's the matter?" He asks, hands in pocket, playing it cool.

Jimin takes a closer look around. Before speaking, he made sure that there were no traces of any other people around them. Even the other members. "Are you having an affair?"

Taehyung was unsure about how to respond to that wonderful question. It is really wonderful to the point that Taehyung is torn between laughing loudly and mock-punching his best friend's innocent, serious-looking face. Like why would he thinks taehyung is having an affair??

"Are you serious right now?"

"Pretty fucking serious, Kim Taehyung." Jimin replied, brows furrowed.

"Where in the hell did you get that idea, huh??" Taehyung asks in disbelief.

"You've been so distant to Jungkook lately!!" Taehyung was caught off guard. Is it really that noticeable? or is it just too much? Did he decide impulsively again?

"T-that doesn't mean that I'm having an affair!" He replied, almost stuttering. He didn't even deny it because it is really true.

"Then why the hell are you two so distant? Don't tell me you've already broken up?!" Jimin almost yelled. He is really upset. Of all the members, Jimin is one of the closest to taekook. He is even the first one to know their relationship.

He's not upset because of the distance he is seeing, he is upset because Jungkook looks hurt. Of course he doesn't want his bestfriends being hurt. It's not like Jimin is interfering the privacy of their relationship, of course, he respects that, but seeing Jungkook in that kind of state is very disturbing to him.

Taehyung sighs and sadly stares at the picture frame hanged to the wall, "namjoon hyung knows."

Jimin frowned, "and? What about it? I mean, aren't you happy about that?"

Taehyung shifted his eyes to him, "I am happy, jiminie. I'm just a little sad because namjoon hyung is not okay with it."

"What do you mean?"

"Don't be mad at him or don't get him wrong. I completely understands his reasons and he is really right. I respect his opinion that's why I talked about this to Jungkook and we agreed to this."

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