Flower crown [König x N/B reader]

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A/N: yes, next is Alejandro smut

It has been two weeks since the last mission. If everyone had to be honest, it was one of the hardest missions you had yet.
A lot of soldiers were critically hurt, sadly including König.

Everyday you made sure to come check up on him. The man was really injured.
At first, he couldn't even move a muscle in his bed he was bound to.

You missed seeing him around the base.
You really did miss him...a lot.
Thankfully, one of the medic's said he doesn't have to stay in that goddamn room for a while.

The day he was supposed to be free out of that hell place, you went to pick him up.
He broke his arm along with other critical injuries - poor guy.

"Hey, bud!" you entered the white room. König squinted his eyes before sitting up on his bed. "Hey, Y/N..." looking at him like this, he seemed quite tired.
No wonder, a light bright room wasn't a nice place to sleep in, along with some injuries.

"Got enough sleep?" you sat beside him on the hard matress. "Not really." sighing, he looked at you with his red eyes.
"Well...luckly you're coming back to us today" your eyes met his. You pat his covered cheek as you smiled softly at the man.

Before answering, he broke the eye contact cracking his fingers. "Well...I wanted us to hang out first." you couldn't help but smile at his words: "Of course."


The following afternoon, König and you got outside. You followed his every move, checking if he was walking alright.

Just in case he seemed off, you grabbed him by his arm. It did seem weird for you to grab such a huge man's arm, but the trust he put in you while you did it made you feel better.

To your luck, it was quite a wonderful day today. Every few minutes, the sun hid behind the white clouds, waiting to make it's warm appearance again.

Your silver gear shined on the sun along with your patches. König's face was covered, but his eyes shined in whatever direction he looked at.

"Look! The flowers are blooming already." he said sitting down on the ground as you held his arm. "Careful big guy, don't wanna hurt yourself again." you chuckled as you sat next to him.

"I'm sitting down, Y/N." he replied coldly looking at the flowers. He was right, the flowers did start blooming already, and it was the middle of winter.

"Weird, isn't it?" you smiled looking at the green grass below you.
You couldn't see König's face, just his eyes.
But you knew he was smiling.

You layed back, taking in the sun beams as König still sat down. Closing your eyes, you heard the sound of picking flowers.
You ignored it as you continued to absorb the sun's light.

Suddenly you felt finger tips on your forehead. Slowly, you opened your eyes noticing König's hands...and little flowers.

"I thought you fell asleep! Sorry about that." he quickly moved his hands away, with what seemed like a flower crown.

"Is that a..." you sat up, rubbing your eyes to see better. "Uh...eine Blumenkrone." König replied, hidding the flowers behind him.

"Oh, a flower crown?" you asked as the bigger man nodded in response. "Aw, come on...show me." he finally handed you the flower crown as you smiled softly.

As you put in on, his eyes glistened. The crown was made out of dasies and early dandelions.
It was beautiful.

"König...that looks so nice." you sighed looking up at him. "Thank you but uh...doing such a thing doesn't suit me." he replied, running his hands through the grass.

That's when you realized he didn't have gloves anymore. His hands seemed rough, yet they were veiny. His fingers weren't too skinny, but they were quite long.

Without any second thought, you went on to grab it. You locked your fingers with his as his eyes shined once again.

"This is the first time I'm seeing your hands..." you smiled examining his fingers and the smallest details on him.

You gently grabbed his healed arm as you heard him yelp quietly.
Slowly, you pulled the big man in a hug. Since he was all patched up before, you never got a chance to fairly hug him.

Quickly, he hugged back: "Thank you Y/N...I needed that. I'm glad you like the flower crown too."
His big hands stroked your back as his chin rested on the top of your head.

A moment like this was all you needed. König was the type of a man who seemed like he needed endless attention, but you were ready to give it to him.

He was too nice, no matter how scary he seemed.

"I love you." you whispered, your hands barely wrapping around his big body. "I love you too, thank you for caring for me when I was sick." he replied, leaving you confused.

"You weren't sick, yet injured." you laughed, trying your best to hug him tighter.

Both of you sat there under the sun, enjoying every second you two had together.
Moments like this won't happen a lot, since you were quite literally soldiers.
His hand found a way through your hair as he gently stroked it.

You felt a pair of lips kiss the top of your head.
Quickly, you looked up to see König covering his mouth again.
"...did you lift your mask up?" his soft gaze met yours as he fixed his mask down.


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