Pt. 2 [smut] Praise [König x Male reader]

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It has been about three days since that thing happened between König and you.
He seemed to get back to his old "shy self". You talked less and he seemed to be ignoring you - the others confirmed it too.

Well, you won't act like that man hasn't made you "finish" by just using praises, but you still wanted to talk to him.

Talk about what happened.

"Ey!" you yelled as you saw Gaz walking down the hall "Have you seen König?"
He stopped walking: "I think he's in his quarter? Not sure though." You still thanked him as you turned around, quickly walking to the masked man's quarter.

After some walking, you found yourself in front of his door. Both of you needed to talk about what happened, as soon as possible.
Now, this was the time.

You gently knocked at his door, letting him know there's nothing scary going on.
A few seconds passed, and there he was.

You had the same fucking feeling when you saw him. He was so fucking huge, it made you feel so small.
Without any doubt, on a very good way.

You could see he stiffened up a little when he saw you standing there. "Ah, geh weg..." he sighed under his mask. "König don't start with that german shit. I understand it. I'm not leaving." you started, but soon you realized how mad you sounded so you calmed down "Look, we need to talk about that...okay?"

You could see he was unsure about it, but he moved away from the door - a sign that he wanted you to come in.
You did so.

The man fiddled with his fingers after closing the door behind you. "Well, why so shy all of a sudden?" you chuckled trying to light up the mood.
Sadly, it didn't really work.

König sat down on his bed, patting the space next to him. As you sat down next to the giant man, he looked down at you. Jesus christ.

"Just tell me what you wanted to." he spoke up, still looking down at you. "Just..." you broke the eye contact "I don't want you to worry about the thing we did, you know? I apologize and we can just go back to norma-"

"Did you enjoy that?"



"Did you like it when I praised you and touched you?"
König asked.
You immediately started remembering what that felt like. His big hands rubbing your waist and shoulders, as he whispers small praises to you every-now-and-then.

You looked down as you thought for a moment. König sure was a pretty socially awkward guy, but that doesn't mean he was afraid to be direct.

"...That's a yes?" he asked leaning down a bit, meeting your gaze. Slight panic took over your body as you gulped.

Accidetally, a small whimper left your throat. You looked down to see König's huge hand rubbing the inside of your thigh slowly.

He has always been a mysterious man under that mask of his, but you could always catch him glaring at you.

His big hands, his big chest, his big figure - he was fucking gorgeous.

"Please." another whimper came out of you.
"Please what, dear?" his hand got closer to your crotch. "Touch me..." the last two words you said before you felt a hand on your chest, pushing you down onto the bed.

König got on top of you as you felt his big erection against yours. "Your chest is falling and rising quickly, Y/N. You alright?" he tilted his head, looking you straight in your eyes.

Without an answer, you grabbed his forearms as your eyes started to tear up. What was this feeling? Did you really need this man that fucking bad? Probably.

Call of Duty Oneshots (x Male/NB reader)Where stories live. Discover now