Chapter 24

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Marina Vettle

I felt my head spinning. I felt every single nerve in my body. I felt every ache in my veins. I felt as if I died and resurrected with some kind of painful spell on me. I tried to open my eyes, but I found it impossible, as if they had stones pulling down on my eyelids. I started to gain the feelings of my body. I started slowly feeling my feet, my knees, my legs. My stomach growling. But what made me believe that I might not be dead, was the feeling of a big, warm hand holding onto mine. I felt whoever was brushing their thumb on the back of my hand.

My hand was lifted, and a pair of soft lips were placed on the back of my hand. "I am so sorry, Tesoro." He whispered. Giovanni. "This is all my fault. I shouldn't have let you go all alone, remembering when you told me you had a traumatic life." He kept whispering. "I shouldn't have hidden something so big, like my lifestyle from you for so long." He kissed my fingers. "But to be honest, I was scared. Fucking scared. And I have never been scared. I had my future determined, and I didn't have anything to lose until I met you, and you made me fall to my knees." He sighed. "I was scared that you would leave me when you saw what a monster I was. And my biggest fear became true for a few minutes." I felt him leaning back, but still holding my hand. "I need you in my life, Marina. You are not a want, you are a need." He sighed. "I'm sorry." He kissed the back of my hand. "I will be right back." He let go of my hand, letting the cold air hit my hand.

I heard the door closing slowly and soundlessly. I tried to open my eyes one more time, but I was unsuccessful. I started getting more aware of my surroundings. I heard the beeping of the heart machine beep as I felt my heart beat against my chest. I felt all the cables on my chest, and the pulse machine on my finger. I felt two needles sticking in both of my hands. I felt the liquids getting in my veins.

After a few more tries, I could finally squint my eyes open, but because of how blinding the white lights of the, what I was assuming, hospital rooms were. I shutted my eyes tightly, leaning back my head strongly against the very uncomfortable pillows of these beds. I heard the door open once again, but that time I heard some mumbling as the door closed.

"Jesus Christ, Marina." I heard a feminine voice voice gasp, and then I heard them moving around the room. I felt someone with soft hands grabbing my left hand. "Hey," they whispered. They sounded familiar. "It's me, Lucy," she squeezed my hand. "Nathalie is here as well." I feel someone else grabbing my other hand. "She says hi." She sighs. "I was so scared when we got that call after so much time without having to be preoccupied. You were happy. I was happy just seeing you how happy you were with Giovanni." She cried. "What happened?" She asked.

That I'm a fucking mess, that's what happens.

I heard Lucy sob, and she let go of my hand. I heard them walk and stop by the end of the bed. The door opened. "I can't do this again." She said.

"It's ok, take your time." Givanni's voice bounced against the walls of the room. "I will stay here." He informed them. "If you want to come back inside, just let me know." He said. The door opened and closed. I heard steps around the room. "I brought you some clothes for when you wake up." He muttered loud enough for me to hear, but no one else. "I remembered that you told me that you found the hospital gowns uncomfortable." He sighed. "The doctor said that as long as it doesn't bother your wounds, you will be alright to change." He moved closer to the bed. "I- I" He started. I heard something from him, that I was not completely sure if he said it, but I didn't know if I wanted to hear it being in the state I was in. "I love you, Marina."


I felt like my eyes were burning, and if I didn't open them now, my eyes would fall down to the floor, followed by my eyelids. I started steering lightly around the uncomfortable bed. I felt cold, so I was assuming it was night. I heard soft snores next to me, and my hand being held. I slowly opened my eyes, and thankfully there was not much light aside from the one coming from the outside. I blinked rapidly a couple of times, and started looking around. It was a big room. Bigger than the normal ones. Still feeling my hand being held, I looked to my right, and saw Giovanni in a very uncomfortable position next to me on a chair. He looked tired, as if he hadn't rested in a long time. His hair was messy. I saw that his eyebags had gotten darker, and a rim of red around his eyes, as if he had been crying for hours.

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