Chapter 11

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Marina Vettle

We finally got out of the restaurant, then waited for the car after a wonderful, and peaceful dinner. While we walked to the car, I looked up to the sky, and admired the stars. So many, and so pretty.

Giovanni pulled me closer by the soft hold he had on my waist. "Tesoro?" He asked.

"Yes?" I looked up at him.

"Do you want to come to my house? I could show you around." He tightened his hold a little bit, pulling me even closer to him.

"I would love to." I smiled, looking up at him. He sent me a small smile, and then kissed my forehead. I looked abruptly to the front, and hide the fucking blush. I felt the tingle of his lips on my skin. The feeling of his perfect soft lips. Touched me.

I'm screaming inside. I felt like a crazy fan with their idol.

"Did you enjoy the meal?" He asked, grabbing the car key from the valet. He pulled out his wallet, and handed him two bills of a hundred dollars each. I wished they tipped me like that back in the shop.

"Yes. It was amazing. Thank you." I smiled. I pulled his arm for him to lean down, and I kissed his cheek. He pulled away smirking. I rolled my eyes on his face. He chuckled. I thought I was on fire. "The music as well." I said, as he helped me inside of his luxurious car. I felt like I had to pay for just even just looking at it.

While we were having our dinner peacefully, and having a lovely conversation, a violinist came to our table, and started to play a soft melody.

We talked about everything. And when I mean everything is everything. We got to the family topic, and I told him the minimum, because I felt as if I was going to burst into tears. I was grateful he didn't push further.

We also talked about volleyball. He knew several things, and I'm impressed, because so many people appreciated volleyball. Especially like he did when I told him when I played.

I told him that when I was in highschool, I used to play, and it was my escape from all my problems. It was my therapy. And the only thing I could afford to do was to be away from home. But at the end of the day, I did enjoy it, and made friends there.

When we got to the car, he offered his hand for me to slide in. I sat down, and he made sure I was buckled up before going around the car, and getting on the road. He grabbed my hand again, kissing my knuckles.

"I'm really glad you enjoyed the evening, Tesoro." He smiled at me.

"I'm still trying to think of a way to reciprocate." I sighed.

"You don't need to. I had been waiting for a while for this date. So, don't even try to think about any of that in that head of yours." He said.

"You know I'm still going to, right?" I asked.

"Yeah." He sighed, shaking his head, and smirking.

We were on the road for about ten, fifteen minutes, when we entered a neighborhood full of mansions. I gasped as I saw that the next mansion was bigger than the one before. We came to a stop. Giovanni pulled his window down, and a guard walked to us. I got nervous.

"Signore. Bentornato." The guard nodded, and then opened the door.

"Giovanni?" I said.

"Yes, Tesoro?" He started driving inside to reveal not only one mansion, but four. The biggest one in the front, two in the sides, and I could see a piece of one at the back.

"Where are we?" I asked.

"My house." He answered simply, as if we didn't just enter an enormous villa.

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