Chapter 10

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Marina Vettle

When I got home today - got out of work earlier as today was the day of the date, and Liz told me we only had two more hours of work, she could handle the closing. I had rushed through the streets of Chicago, so I would get home early.

I grabbed my phone, which I was still figuring out, but I knew the basics, and called Lucy. She picked up. "Hello?" She answered.

"Hi, Lucy. It's Marina." I said, getting the possible options out of my wardrobe, and the bags.

"Oh my God, Marina. It's been an eternity since we heard from you." She said excitedly. "Wait, let me put the camera on so Nathalie can see you." She said, turning the camera on.

I took the phone away from my ear. "Hey, girl." I signed when I saw Nathalie behind Lucy. Lucy and I learnt English sign language so we could communicate easier with Nathalie, because if not, she would have to read our lips constantly, and she would write, and it took a lot of time.

"Hi." She waved.

"So," I sat down on my small couch exhausted, while I signed and talked simultaneously. "I'm going on a date-"

"Stop!" Lucy exclaimed, while Nathalie jumped excited. "With whom?" She asked. "We need pictures."

"Wow, calm down." I raised my hands,

"How am I supposed to calm down?" She exclaimed. "My dearest friend is going on a date." She widened her eyes.

"We need pictures." Nathalie signed.

"Well, I don't have pictures of him just yet, but I can describe him for you." I said. "But then you have to help me choose my outfit."

"Yes, yes." Lucy said, while Nathalie nodded.

"Well, he has gorgeous green, forest eyes. Dark wavy hair, which is always styled so that only it suits him." I started.

"Oh my God, he already sounds so hot." Lucy rolled her eyes.

"Wait, I'm not finished." I stopped them. "He prettiest face in the fucking world. Straight nose. Thick lips. Thick and long lashes."

"Right now you are making me want him, not be with him." Lucy said.

"He is tall. Like 195 cm. Around that."

"Holy shit." Nathalie signed.

"I know." I rolled my eyes. "He is sweet. Caring. And has an amazing style."

"What does he do for work?"

"I don't know, but he has a problem with spoiling me. I always try to be mad, because he took me shopping and spent literally thousands on just me." I got frustrated remembering the events.

"Marina, you deserve to be spoiled. He sounds like he cares about you, so take the opportunity." Lucy said.

"I know, but I feel bad for him." I brushed my hair back. "He is, like, so perfect. Like too perfect. I don't feel worthy of him."

"Don't say that." Nathalie signed. "You deserve the world. You have been through too much, relax, and have fun while it lasts." Those two girls helped with my parents and were my shoulder to cry on.

"Anyways. Let's get to the outfit." Lucy said. "What ideas do you have?" She asks. "Before we get to it, do you know where you are going?" She asked.

"I don't, but knowing him, it's a very extravagant place, for sure." I said. "Ok, let me get the clothes, and I will show you what I thought could be possible." I got up, and walked to my small bed, and took the tall pile of clothes.

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