Chapter 24

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She watched me from the other side of the room while I lay there cuffed to a bed like a prisoner. I knew what would happen when I came for her, and I dug my own grave.

I didn't know if Nyra would kill me or have Omar do it, but I knew she wouldn't let me live. It didn't matter what was between us, what was real or fake, because the moment I attacked her, I knew it was all gone.

This whole situation had blown out of proportion. I knew she'd fight me back, and I loved that she gave just as much as I did, if not more. Nyra was strong, determined, and even in pain; I admired her for it.

I hated that I hurt her, that I left horrid marks and prints on her body. I hated that I did this, that I endangered her life, that I attacked her. I hated that it all came down to this, and it was all for nothing.

Kevin was a fucking pig, and he deserved to die. I couldn't even feel remorse or shame. I just felt disgusted. I knew that the push and pull and the sly games we'd been playing with each other had all come to an expiration.

Where we were right now was the finish line. This was the last game and duel we'd have. I didn't trust that she wouldn't manipulate the phone to her own advantage, but there was something that knew she was telling the truth.

'I swear to you on my parent's grave, I never killed him.'

Fuck. What if Henry was just a dirty cop and his death was the result of him working with her? What if she's not to blame? Then what do I have? What else is there?

I told Blake to hold off on everything because I needed to ensure the truth of Henry before we all went in, and I was almost terrified of finding out the truth. My stomach was in knots, and it wasn't because of her stan wound and endless punches to my gut.

God, she really was an amazing woman. I wasn't even in shock when she pulled out her knife or when she shot me. If anything, I was fucking proud of her.

I couldn't help but smile at how much I was in love with this woman. She had it all. The whole package; beauty, brains, strength, and courage.

"What are you smiling at?" She asked from across the room.

"You're beautiful," I exclaimed loudly, and all her men looked ready to empty their guns into my body. I didn't care. It was the truth. "So fucking beautiful."

She gave me a dry and apathetic look. "You're fucking psychotic."

I shrugged. "I'm proud and glad you fought back."

"You don't get to be proud of me, Ivan."

"I still am."

The doors opened up, and her men handed her a phone and whispered something in her ear. She nodded her head, and with a wave of her hand, they all stepped out.

They left us alone, and once the doors closed, her dogs padded at her feet as she came over to me. She flashed me the phone and touched the screen showcasing his wallpaper. A picture of his kids. She swiped the screen, and the phone opened.

"I know you won't believe the text messages and assume I changed them to my advantage, but surely you won't say that once you hear the voice files, he left behind."

"Voice files?"

"I didn't know they were even on here. My analyst found a hidden and coded file. He unlocked it and said there were over a hundred saved voice recordings. Text can lie, but surely your partner's voice can't."

I gave her a stiff nod, and she went through the phone and pulled up the file she was talking about. She showed me and scanned through them. There were maybe two hundred saved recordings, and my heart hammered in my chest.

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