Chapter 20

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I knew I couldn't trust Ivan. He had grown too close to me in the few weeks we'd known each other. It was surreal how fast we had become attached to each other. It didn't make any sense. I've been with plenty of men, and I've never thought of them to the point of insanity.

I didn't care if they fucked other girls or dated other girls. I've never in my life staked a claim onto a man and had a man claim I was his and his only. From the very first time we had sex, he claimed me as his, and that should have had me running for the hills, but it didn't.

It was toxic, a blaring red flag, but I ignored them. I ignored everything wrong and everything that could go wrong because of how he made me feel. Ivan made me feel like he saw me like he knew me, and it comforted me.

It comforted me to know that our relationship wasn't purely sexual and that he cared to listen to me, hold me, and comfort me. There was still a part of me that knew that nothing good lasted and that whatever Ivan and I had would end.

Soon. It just felt too good, too beautiful, and gave me too much false hope. It would only end in disaster. Sometimes when we spoke to each other, our mistrust for each other shined, and I knew Ivan wanted something from me.

He didn't have to say it or hint at it, no man got close to someone like me because they liked or loved me. People used people, and men loved using women to their advantage.

I gave Ivan a lot of pieces of myself, and in exchange, he gave me nothing back. It was very easy to have Omar and a few of my other men pick Ivan right off the street, gag and tie him, and bring him to me.

I could do that, but I didn't want to. I didn't want to have to hurt him unless he proved to be a threat. Yes, he was a strange man with a squeaky-clean past and life, but he was nice to me.

He touched me like he cared, kissed me because he ached not to, held me when I cried, and tucked me into bed right after. He didn't force himself on the bed with me or do anything.

He put me into bed and left, and that was that. I didn't know what to make do with all the information. I didn't know if I should wait for him to give me a reason or if I should trust my gut and deal with Ivan before it got out of hand.

It was pathetic how afraid I felt. I was terrified of finding out that he got close to me for a devious reason. It was a possibility, it always has been, and it always will be, but it would hurt coming from Ivan.

He was the first man in six years to kiss me and touch me. I trusted him to kiss and touch me. I trusted him with my body in ways I never trusted anyone before.

I told him about my cousins, talked about my family, and told him my dark confession. I knew what it was when I gave it to him. Ammunition.

It was like my secrets and stories were the bullets he'd use to fill up the chamber of his gun before shooting me with it. I grabbed my phone and dialed Omar's number. He answered after one ring.

"Yes, boss."

"I need to retrain, Omar. I haven't trained in a while, and I need to be ready for anything. Get me a few men that you trust and have them meet me in my gym in an hour."

"Yes, boss. Of course."

I hung up and put my phone into my bag. I stood up and pulled out the gun from my holster. I checked the chamber and made sure it was loaded. I put it back in and grabbed my coat to cover the weapon.

With my purse in my hand, I stepped out of the office and told my new secretary I'd be taking the rest of the day off. Once I got home, I stripped out of my extravagant clothing and into something more comfortable.

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