Chapter 9

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"What the fuck did you think I was going to bring?" I spat as I yanked my hands away from their grips.

She stared me down for a minute and tilted her head, silently giving them a command. The four men ducked their heads and walked out, leaving her with me.

"Was that necessary?" I asked angrily, but she didn't move from her position.

Siren and bewitching eyes looked at me as if trying to gauge every reaction and micro-expression that flashed across my face. She undid the sash of her robe and let her fingers trail down until the robe parted.

She didn't take it off, but I could see what she was wearing underneath. Nothing. Absolutely fucking nothing. Fuck. Of course, she wasn't the type to play fair.

Ignoring my question, she replied with her very own. "Do you want to know how many men called and asked for a private session with Fairy?"

I pried my eyes away from her bare midriff and shook my head. "How many?"

Her eyes glimmered enthusiastically. "Over six hundred."

She dug into the pocket of her robe and pulled out a cigarette and a lighter. She offered me one, but I shook my head. Shrugging, she lit it and leaned against the wall. I caught a glimpse of the scope of her breasts, and I watched the steady fall and rise of her chest as she inhaled and exhaled the smoke.

"And how many did you say yes to?"

"One." She held the cigarette between her thumb and pointer finger. "I could have made what? Almost four million? Maybe more if I decided to raise the fee?"

"Yet, you chose me and waved the fee. Why?"

"You ever been cuffed?" She asked instead, and I stayed stoic at the mention of cuffs.


She exhaled the smoke and took a few steps over but didn't sit next to me. She sat on the single sofa across from me. She leaned back, and her robe covered half her body, and I could see the stiff peaks of her blush-pink nipples.

My hands formed into fists at my sides as I watched her. She was smart. Using her body to her advantage to distract me and my thoughts. I had to give it to her. I couldn't stop staring at the naked glimpses she was giving me so generously.

"When I let a man in my bed, I cuff him. Some men don't mind it, but others get frustrated. Tell me, Ivan, which type of man are you?"

It wasn't a surprise that she knew my name. I kept my first name the same but altered my last name. I even got a fake ID and driver's license. As long as she was concerned, I wasn't Ivan Waters, an ex-detective, but Ivan Gertrude, an electrician. I even forged some paperwork and paper trail for this whole fake persona. Nothing was going to lead her back to me. 

"I'm the type of man never to shy away from a new experience. You want to cuff me and fuck me? I think only an idiot would say no."

She didn't look impressed. She exhaled the last bit of smoke and leaned over to crush it on the marble stone ashtray.

"I think you're a liar. Men don't like to give women the upper hand, whether it's in sex or not. The alpha male in you wouldn't let me cuff your hands and ankles to my bed and fuck you at my own pace.

No, you'd want control. You'd want to touch me, taste me with your fingers, change the position of how we fuck. No, you wouldn't be able to lay back and let me have control, but it's not your fault.

Men grow up with this wiring in their brains that tells them never to take commands from women. They're more wired to take and take and fucking take from a woman and never give back."

Devil WomanDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora