Chapter 22

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No matter how long I looked at the evidence in front of me, I couldn't believe it. Ivan wasn't an electrician but a detective of the NYPD. My men have been tailing him, and there was a man he met with twice a week.

They took a photo, and Eddie ran it through his facial recognition system. The identification was clear. He was a detective, just like Ivan. I didn't know if they were working together on my case or if they were investigating a different case together.

Either way, Eddie was looking into it. I knew he couldn't be trusted, yet I trusted him. I knew someone was after me, but I didn't expect it to be him.

I felt betrayed and hurt, but the overall emotion I felt was anger. I was furious. My hands were shaking as I combed through the photos of Ivan in his police uniform, all decorated with medals and awards.

My fury came out as I ripped up every single photo. Omar watched me cautiously but didn't speak. My anger was justified. Ivan was a liar, and he was only using me to get close to me.

It's happened before, but I don't think I ever felt such pain. It hurt. My heart hurt. I wasn't going to cry over the betrayal but use my anger and hurt as fuel. I pulled out the blueprints of my estate and laid them out for Omar.

"I want security tripled. I need new but very discrete cameras here and here and at every entrance area. I need the clubs secured as well as all my other establishments. I need all your men on high alert, Omar. He thinks I'm stupid. He'll regret every single word he spoke to me."

And every emotion he invoked in me.

"I'll kill him myself. No one takes the shot. Omar, not even if you have to. It's mine."

"How do you want to approach the situation, boss?"

"He knows we don't trust him, but he doesn't know that we know he's a cop." I spat, tossing the file Eddie produced for me on the table. "He really thinks I wouldn't figure it out." I slammed my hands down on the table. "He'll fucking pay for this mistake with his life."

"I knew we shouldn't have trusted him," Omar commented.

My jaw clenched at his comment. "Leave. I need a minute." I said, pointing to the door, and he excused himself.

My hands were shaking, and I let out a shout of frustration as I swept everything off my desk and onto the ground. I couldn't hold in my screams as I grabbed my chair and tossed it into the glass library.

My anger erupted like a volcano, and I became unhinged as I trashed my office. He thought he was so fucking slick with his charm. He really thought he could lie to me, use me, and betray me in the end. I'd prove him wrong.

I'd put a fucking bullet right between his eyes and have his head on a pike for everyone to see. He didn't have a reason to set out after me. I never harmed him, but men didn't need a reason.

He wanted to be a hero, but little did he know he'd only end up buried six feet under. I was going to make him regret the very moment he set his eyes on me.

If I had it my way, Ivan Waters would be dead tonight. I needed to be calm when I approached him. I couldn't throw him off by allowing him to think I knew who he really was. No, I had to be precise, calm, and smart.

I took out my anger on the remaining furniture in my office before calming my breathing. I needed to be level-headed when I saw him. I wanted to find out what his agenda was and what he thought he had on me.

If he did have any evidence, I needed that evidence. I wasn't going to go to jail because some man decided my fate. I decided my own fate. That fucking bastard. I was going to enjoy putting him through the wringer when I got my hands on him.

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