I proved myself right when I kept tossing and turning in my bed all night, thinking about an upset and heartbroken Nyra. I got out of bed, grabbed my jacket, put on my sneakers, and headed out to her place.

I knew she wouldn't let me in, and I knew her men wouldn't mind if I stayed out in the cold all night, but I couldn't sleep knowing she was crying all alone in her bed. I parked my car, and a swarm of men surrounded me with guns pointed at me.

It was late, and they would have known if I was coming for Nyra. I kept my hands up in surrender as Omar approached me. He shouted a command in his language, and they frisked me down while others searched my car.

Upon finding nothing, the men walked away, but I could feel the cool metal of the gun pointed at my back.

"Our boss isn't expecting you." He said.

"I came to see her."


I knew he'd say that. "That's fine. I'll wait out here."

His face remained stoic, and his men dispersed as I walked back to my car. It was late and cold, so I turned on the heater and warmed myself up. The men stayed like a herd around the car while others were hidden somewhere else.

Either way, they were on alert and worked in shifts. They moved in sync and were observant. I had to give it up to her security. Around four in the morning, I turned off the heater, so my car didn't run out of gas but kept my windows closed.

I leaned the chair back but couldn't sleep. I'd never gone to such great lengths for a woman before. It wasn't because of the revenge anymore.

This act was genuine. She was upset, and I wanted to be there for her. I didn't mind waiting for her. I'd wait for this woman for however long it took. I don't know if this is what love is, but this woman scrupulously had a place inside me.

She was submerged somewhere deep inside my heart, and I placed my hand over my chest as if I could feel her there. Was love painful? I thought love was easy and carefree. It hurt to love her. It hurt to think about loving her.

I must have dozed off at some point because the sound of someone banging at my windows woke me up with a jolt. I rubbed my eyes harshly and sat up. I looked to see Omar standing there with a murderous look. He

banged harder on the window once more, and I opened my door.


"She's awake and wants you to come in."

I took my keys and locked my car before following him inside. My hands were shaking, and I knew her men probably deemed me as pathetic, but I didn't care.

We walked inside the grand and elegant house, and Omar led me up the stairs. I followed him to where her room was. He knocked twice, and then the door opened. Beth, her cook, was there, and she smiled when she saw me.

"She's having breakfast. Come join her, Ivan." She reached for my arm and dragged me in.

She stepped out and closed the door after her. I took a step closer, and immediately I could hear her dogs.

"I'm not going to bite, Ivan. Come in." Her melodic voice spoke.

I walked to where she was sitting, and she sat there having a cup of coffee in a soft pink robe enclosed around her body. Her two dogs were on the bed while who I assumed was Orion was at her feet in attack mode.

Her table had an assortment of fruits, pancakes, coffee, tea, toast, and some jams and cheeses. I sat down on the other side, and she reached over to pour me some coffee.

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