I didn't get to live or rest in peace. I was forced to live with the fact that my parents were killed right down the hall from me while I slept soundly and peacefully. Orion's head shifted from underneath my palm, and I looked down to see him on alert.

His ears twitched and perked up as he looked around, growling and baring his teeth. Orion barked loudly, each bark sounding louder than the previous ones. I sat up and reached for the gun I hid beneath my towel.

I tapped Orion's head, silently telling him to stop barking. I checked the gun chamber to ensure it was loaded and clicked it back on. I slowly stepped out of the tub and took small steps while Orion stayed by my feet. I was deep into my thoughts that I couldn't hear anything.

I cursed my stupidity and waited against the wall that connected to my room. I stole a peek into my bedroom but couldn't make out if there was anyone. Leveling my breathing, I made sure my gun's safety was off. Who the fuck was in my room, and how the hell did they get inside?

My heart was racing as I finally stepped out of the bathroom. I looked around with Orion right at my feet as he began sniffing and looking around. I felt movement behind me, and the faint sound of an exhale.

I spun around, only to be met with a smug Ivan. He kept his hands up, surrendering, but his eyes betrayed him as they looked down at my still-wet body. I scoffed and aimed the gun down at his dick.

The smugness didn't vanish; if anything, the asshole looked amused. Orion's barking resumed, and a second later, my other two dogs were scratching and barking at my bedroom door. 

"Boss!" Someone shouted from the other side.

I guided Ivan to my bed with a wave of my gun. "Sit."

I reached over his shoulder and grabbed my robe. I slipped it on and went to open my bedroom door. The dogs rushed into where Orion was, and the three dogs surrounded Ivan, baring their teeth and growling at him. Omar followed along with a few other men. I opened the door the rest of the way to where Ivan was sitting.

"How in the fucking hell did this man get into my room?"

Omar swore under his breath and gave his men a reprimanding, shriveling look. 

"Boss." I cut them off with my hand.

"You have no excuses. None." I snapped. 

"Boss," Omar spoke tightly. "How do you want me to deal with him?" He asked, his head cocking over to Ivan, casually sitting on my bed with three dangerous dogs around him.

"He should have already been dealt with. I told you I didn't want him entering my house. Your men failed to protect the house; hence they failed to protect me. All of you. Out!" I shouted, and they ducked their heads before leaving me. "Why are you here?"

"Because I wanted to see you."

I gave him a tight smile. "Cute. How'd you get into my house?" I crossed my arms over my chest and stood before him.

"I didn't fuck her. I was at a BBQ with some friends. She's my close friend's sister-in-law. She needed a ride, and that's all it was. I dropped her off."

I scowled. "I don't care if you fucked her or not." 

"You obviously do, baby, if you still have your gun pointed at my dick." He said, his hands ushering over to the gun.

I shrugged a shoulder. "I'm contemplating whether or not you still need it."

Ignoring my threat, he sighed. "You were gone for a while. I did miss you."

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