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< Kris >

"Alright! Get up everybody!! Chop chop!!"

I groaned internally, as I open my eyes to see the two boys out of their beds smirking at me, and that's when I realized- oh my gosh......

I grew conscious of how I look like. Bed hair. Drool on my chin. This is so not happening.

I tied my hair into a bun and hurriedly sprinted to the bathroom to brush my teeth, wash my face and change my clothes.

The three of us left our cabin as we met up with the others. Chantelle, Jacob, Evan and the others.

"Kris!" Chantelle whines, "It's awful. Rivers is obviously flirting with Jacob all the time."

"Ugh, you know she's a slut." I sigh, glaring at Rivers and her stupid allies.

"Anyway, do you have any idea what we're doing for today?" She asked.

"Not a clue, but one thing's for sure, it ain't gonna be pretty." I say.

"Good morning everyone!" The speakers boomed, "Today is a bright new day to brush up on your talents for the last day! So, we are going to let you guys practice for the whole day with our selected mentors!"

"So Kris, what do you plan on doing for the last day?" Chantelle asked.

"I'm not sure, probably sing?"

"That's a good choice. Hey, I can play guitar while you sing, sounds great?"

"Great." Thank god, Chantelle offered that. To be honest, I'm not really mentally prepared for the contest.

And so we split in groups, Chantelle and Jacob were in the same group with the instruments mentor.

Gabe, Chris and I are groupmates in voice. Rivers and Evan took up modeling, along with her allies.

And so Gabe, Chris and I went to our mentor, along with other of our groupmates in voice.

We followed him in a small classroom and he asked us to sit on the floor.

"Okay, my name is Mr. Fallon, and I am your voice mentor for your whole stay for this camp in preparation for the contest." He clapped, "So today, I'm just going to brief you and talk to you guys, individually on what you plan to do. Probably give me a copy of the song you're working on."

Gee, I don't have any ideas for this yet so I glanced back at Chris and Gabe who are having a staring contest.

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