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Kristen on the media >>>


< Kristen >

"Dude, stop staring at her, she would freak."

"Nu-uh, she loves it when I stare. Right, Kris?"

Chris' gaze went to mine, and my throat went dry, so I managed to shake my head in response. What a denial. I swear, I've been denying so many times already about my feelings for Chris in this camp.

"See? She doesn't." Gabe quipped, slinging an arm around my shoulder, making Chris slap his hand away, but to no avail, his arm stayed there.

Chris grunted in resignation, turning his head back to the stage where a couple more performances were graced.

"Kristen." Mr. Fallon called out, making me flinch. I clutched the notebook on my hand before shakily standing up. "Kristen will be serenading us with an original song. A round of applause, please."

The group started clapping their hands, while I struggled on carefully walking towards the stage, and not knocking anything out.

"This is an original song," Some of my peers looked at me with a "so we've been told" expression, while I tried to compose myself. "My best friend, Chantelle, would be the guitar accompaniment while I sing, but since she's not here... I'll sing acapella."

I took out my notebook, my hands shaking, as I read through the lyrics. Everyone was staring at me, and I opened my mouth, closed it, opening it again, and the process continued.

"Kristen? Is everything alright?" Mr. Fallon asked worriedly, and I nodded my head in response.

I glanced back at the two boys, panic clearly can be seen in my eyes right now, as much as I don't see them, I know that it was obvious I'm panicking.

"Um.... And I... am feeling so small... It was over my head... I know nothing at all, And I... will stumble and fall, I'm still learning to love, Just starting to crawl..."

Mr. Fallon was inching towards me, his lips pursed, and so was the rest of the class, clearly confused as to what I was singing, or muttering, to be exact.

"Can you sing louder, Kris? I can't hear you. So does the rest of the class." Mr. Fallon smiled at me encouragingly, and I took a deep breath.

I didn't stop shaking, and I even muttered a few curse words, which the whole class heard by the way, making them laugh, and my only wish was for the ground to swallow me up whole.

< Chris >

She looked like a helpless lamb thrown in  a lion's den. That's how Kristen looked like as of the moment, and I was trying to recall a few of the lyrics in her notebook, deciding I should help the poor girl, but before I could stand, Gabe held me down with a small smile on his face.

"I got this."

I watched him stand up, walking towards Kristen with his guitar, and smiling back at her.

My heart twisted at the sight, but seeing Gabe with her, gave me a sense of relief? Atleast, if she didn't have feelings for me, which I doubt she did, she would be in good hands.

As much as I hated Gabe's guts, he's a pretty decent guy, and a much more deserving of Kristen's love.

I slumped back down, leaning my head against the cold wall, letting her sweet voice envelope me, because that's the closest thing I can ever get to her.

< Kristen >

My eyes widened when I saw Gabe smiling back at me, positioning his guitar on his lap.

"Do you have the chords for this?" He asked, and I simply nodded my head. He gave my hand a small squeeze, and to be honest, it made me feel better.

He started strumming the first few chords, and I took a deep breath, letting the emotions, the lyrics, and the song speak to me.

"Say something, I'm giving up on you,
I'll be the one if you want me to,
Anywhere I would've followed you,
Say something, I'm giving up on you.." My voice more audible than earlier. Mr. Fallon was nodding his head, perhaps, in appreciation, as he closed his eyes, listening to the soft strums of Gabe's guitar.

"And I... am feeling so small,
It was over my head,
I know nothing at all,
And I... will stumble and fall,
I'm still learning to love,
Just starting to crawl.." I was looking at Gabe, and he simply smiled back at me, his dimples showing.

"Say something, I'm giving up on you,
I'm sorry that I couldn't get to you,
Anywhere I would've followed you,
Say something, I'm giving up on you," We sang together, making me smile at him. Gabe and my voice blended really well together that even I was shocked.

"And I... will swallow my pride,
You're the one that I love,
And I'm saying goodbye," I sang again, and Gabe leaned in, to read the next few lines in my notebook.

"Say something, I'm giving up on you
And I'm sorry that I couldn't get to you
And anywhere I would've followed you."

"Oooh, oooh" I sang back, my voice reaching the higher points of the song. "Say something, I'm giving up on you,
Say something, I'm giving up on you."

Gabe stared at me, his eyes looking at me with sincerity, admiration, and something else, that made my heart skip a beat.

"Say something." I smiled back at him.

"I love you, Kristen." Gabe whispered, however, the whisper must be too loud because everyone, unfortunately heard it. My cheeks flamed, but I couldn't form a response.

He leaned in to kiss the top of my forehead, making the crowd cheer louder, as they clapped louder to my song.

"That was a beautiful song, Kristen!! It moved me to tears! No doubt, you have a big shot in winning this competition!" Mr. Fallon beamed, wiping off his imaginary tears.

I was feeling happy, and giddy inside, that my song was well-received and liked by everyone.

I wanted to see Chris' reaction and what he thought of it, but when I turned to look at the spot where he was a while ago... it was empty.

He left.

And instead of me feeling happy about the song, and the praises, in one blow, my heart felt a lot heavier than when I started singing.

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