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Gabe and Kristen on the media! Last chapter, whew! Happy reading x :)
Thank you for all the support, and not giving on my books! I hope you enjoyed reading "Falling for His Sister" as much as I enjoyed writing it for you guys!

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A week had already passed since the incident. News spread like wildfire, and some boys even were paying me for a hookup, gross. The stories were just getting more creative than before. There was even one story on how I kidnapped Chris and forced myself onto him, which everyone who knew me would know that I wasn't like that at all. Jacob started eating with us, because he couldn't bear sharing a table with Chris and Rivers. Thank God, he's finally seen what a horrible person Rivers was. Took him long enough.

As for me, my feelings for him were slowly fading, it was funny, because after what happened, I didn't think he could be any more meaner. The fact that he sided with Rivers, despite knowing how much I despised her, and used me even, for her, was just enough proof of how much of an evil person he was.

"I'm so excited for tonight's competition!" Chantelle squealed, "What about you, Jacob?"

"Me? Oh, I'm... nervous." Jacob's cheeks turned pink, and Chantelle's as well. It smelled fishy, that I just had to ask them. A smirk playing on my lips.

"Are you guys together?"

They both didn't answer for a while, before nodding their heads, making me squeal in delight.

"I'm so happy for you! You've been crushing on my brother for ages!" I gushed like a fangirl. Well, I could actually make a fanclub of theirs, Jantelle. Oh, such a pretty couple name. "Jantelle!" I squealed in delight, making them roll my eyes at me.

"I see why you two clicked so easily. My sister is as crazy as you, baby doll." Jacob winked at Chantelle, making her blush harder.

"Oh, you love my crazies." Chantelle giggled.

"Mind if I join the party? It's actually quite obvious the two are together, seeing how they're holding hands under the table, Kristen."

I turned around, surprised to who spoke to me. Chantelle and Jacob were pretty surprised too.

"Gabe..." I sniffled, reaching out for a hug. I didn't realize how much I missed him when he was gone. In fact, to be honest, I never felt so empty without Gabe. That night, with the picnic, and the sandwiches, haunted me everyday, and as crazy as it sounds, when he asked for space, it was the only time I realized his value in my life.

He hugged me back, stroking my hair gently. "There there, it's not like I can ignore you for so long."

Chantelle and Jacob eyed each other evilly, before sending us both suggestive glances.

"Oh stop it, you two!"

The rest of lunch was pretty okay. We were all preparing for the competition that night, in fact, I was helping Gabe with his necktie right now.

Our faces were really close, I can even feel the warmth of his breath from this distance, making me smile.

"I'm not really happy dueting with that bastard, to be honest." He muttered, making me smile, and kiss his cheek.

"You can do it. Set your differences aside, and just do what you love."

"Does that mean I can do you? Because I love you." I laughed at Gabe's remark, although somehow, my heart skipped a beat, a different kind, that wasn't there before.

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