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♥ Kris ♥

"Wake up!" I say, snatching Jacob's blanket from him making him shiver against the cold.

"What time is it..?" He groans.

"Time for you to wake up." I scowled, "Now stop asking questions and get ready or else we'll miss the camp bus."

He groans once more, his bed hair all sticking up making me wrinkle my nose in disgust. How can Chantelle ever have a thing for this guy? Sheesh.

Even if he protested for five minutes more in bed, I told him off. He hastily got off his bed-thankfully - And I swore I saw him cuss under his breath although he denied it when I scolded him about it. I wasn't in the mood to argue about *respecting elders* with him anymore so I let this one slide.

I waited downstairs for him to finish- which isn't really a lot of time since he takes a bath pretty quick for an average teenager but- who cares, I don't want to be late either.

"Who's idea was this camp anyway?" He groans, twisting his baseball cap so that it faces the other way around and his fringe shows through the hole.

"You agreed to it, Jacob. For your friend, Chris." I replied, my cheeks tinting pink as I said his name making me bite my bottom lip.

"Whatever, let's get this over with." He groans.

I know he's excited- he's just... he's not a morning person- and it's practically seven thirty in the morning.

"It's going to be fun." I smiled, feeling excited as well.

A summer camp- A musical summer camp, to be exact. It feels magical and cool. I can't wait. I also made new friends- err, I mean- a new friend, without the 's', Chantelle. It would be so cool if we can really be close to each other. She seems nice and it kind of made me curious why she's got a thing for my good-for-nothing brother. I'd certainly want to know why.

The camp bus arrived five minutes later, I peeked the windows seeing dozens of kids chatting with each other, a smile tugging in my lips.

"Hey Kris! Are you going in or not?" Jacob grumbles, already inside the bus, waiting for me to get in. I hurriedly got in the bus, but I froze in an instant. Pairs of eyes are watching me- staring at me even, looking me up and down, making me frown and look at my outfit- or myself- whatever is wrong.

I caught sight of Chris in the other end of the bus making my heart jump.

"Yo Jacob! Over here!" He says, raising a hand, and Jacob shrugs then sits beside him.

I gape at him, feeling out of place and lonely at the same time. Who am I kidding though? Of course, Jacob would rather sit beside his best friend than his naggy sister.

I felt lonely in an instant, as eyes glance back and forth at me, and I felt embarrassed for having no friends at all.

That was until I felt someone tug me by the arm making me yelp and my butt landed flat on the seat.

"What's up, Kris?" Chantelle perkily greets.

"Fine." I say, my voice clipped. I was shocked but at the same time relieved that I finally took a seat beside- someone.

"You looked like you were going to pass out back there." She eyes me attentively.

"Just.. nervous about this camp." I lied, laughing humorlessly- in a very awkward fashion.

"Oh, it's going to be fun. Um, do you mind if I ask you a question?" Chantelle says shyly, fidgeting with her fingers making me wonder why she's shy all of a sudden. It's not like her.

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