Chapter 20: Bangtan

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"No, I am alright. They need to know in case this leads to Kang trying to retaliate." Eisa took a deep breath, toweling off her wet hair. Yuna looked like she wanted to protest but then nodded.

"There are a few people who have been waiting for you," Yuna said a bit louder which caused the bedroom door to open slowly revealing a very worried-looking Felix and Han. They moved cautiously into the room until they saw Eisa open her arms, signaling that it's okay to hug her. They both rushed at her and basically tackled her on the bed. Yuna looked angry for a moment before her face softened. She could hear Han and Felix sniffling and see Eisa smiling as she consoled the two men.

"We were so worried. It's all our fault. We should have been watching more closely." Han whimpered. Felix sniffed next to him, and tears were in both their eyes.

"Eisa..." Felix looked at her with a trembling lip. Eisa touched his cheek and smiled.

"I'm okay you two. I am fine. It's not your fault. If anyone is to blame it's Kang." And me. She kept that part to herself. She knew they would argue against it being her fault. She would carry her guilt silently. "Let's go see everyone else. I have a briefing to give Chan."

Felix and Han refused to let go of her hands, each one holding one as they walked down the hall to the stairs.

As they descended the stairs, Eisa could hear raised voices coming from the dining room. She looked at Han and Felix questioningly.

"Jungkook and Yoongi are here from BTS and Chan are not really holding back on how effed the mission was," Han said softly. Eisa nodded then headed straight for the dining room despite the boys holding her hand protests.

Two men sat at one end of the table, a laptop in front of them. One had a small face, a lip piercing glimmered in the light. He was wearing a t-shirt so she could see the tattoos coving his arm and hand. The other was concentrating on the computer in front of them, typing furiously. His hair was pale, and he had a permanent sleepy expression despite the concentration. Chan's face across from them was hard. He had a cold hard look in his eyes that she had rarely seen since moving into the mansion. Minho stood behind Chan with a look of pure anger. His jaw was clenched, and his hand was balled into fists at his side. He wasn't speaking, just glaring down at the brown-haired, tattooed man. Eisa cleared her throat which caused all but the pale-haired man to jump slightly. Chan and Minho's faces softened upon seeing her. Minho looked like he wanted to move over to her, but he remained where he was. His face held a sense of relief at seeing her, she could see his body relax. Chan stood up and moved to her, putting a hand on her shoulder.

"You don't have to push yourself. You should be resting. We can always talk later after," He glanced at the two men at the table. "They have left." His voice was a bit harder after he spoke this last sentence. Han and Felix detached themselves from Eisa, moving to stand near Yuna who hovered at the edge of the room.

"I'm fine, Chan. If they are from Bangtan, it might be best for them to hear this too." She looked over at the brown-haired man who was looking at her with intense interest. He poked the pale-haired man which caused him to scowl before realizing new people had entered the room.

"I'm Jungkook and this, " He motioned to the other man, "Is Yoongi. So, you are the new member of SKZ?" His eyes held curiosity while Yoongi gave a small smile, nodding before turning back to the computer. "It is a pleasure to meet you. Stray Kids is lucky to have such a" Jungkook glanced at Chan then back at Eisa, "lovely new doctor." He gave her a smile that was a bit more predatory than Eisa would have liked but she forced herself to give him a warm smile in return.

"My name is Eisa. A pleasure to meet you both." She turned to Chan, breaking eye contact with Jungkook. "Yuna and Yeji said you wanted my side of the mission? I am ready if you are." Chan took a deep breath, running his hand through his hair before nodding, and motioning for her to sit.

Angel of Mercy - Stray Kids Mafia AUDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora