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(Third Person POV)
Hotel, Room 407

"Whew! What a rush, haven't stretched like that for a while.." _nala wearily took off his headset.

"That was quite the sight. Actually, that was really cool, seeing that stuff first-hand." DJ took off his as well.

"Thanks, we work hard to do all that."

"Indeed we do." Chosen came back, along with Purple and King. "Still can't believe he called them in.."

"Meh, it was a given."

"That was FUN!" Purple laughed. "We don't get to do awesome stuff like that much anymore.. so glad we got to go!"

"You're welcome to join us for any future runs. We could use the extra help."


"Speaking of extra help, how's the captee, is he up?"

"We'll check." King started to walk, pulling Purple along with him.

"Alright. Chosen, can you start setting up the Recoder?"

"Oh, yeah!"

"And, DJ.."


"If Blue is up by now, I'm going to need your help. Don't worry, it's a simple job."


_nala's Laptop

Blue slowly blinked his eyes, opening them. His vision was blurry at first before it started to focus, and his eyes adjusted to the dark room. He was still drowsy and tired, but he was awake. Lazily, he looked down to the chair he was sitting in, only then realizing that he was tied to it. That realization made him jolt and fully wake up.

He started to wriggle, trying to loosen the ropes, knock the chair over, gain any sort of leeway for escape, alas nothing would work. The chair didn't budge, and all his armor had been taken. He had nothing.

"Good morning. Have a nice rest?"

A voice echoed from behind him as a singular light flashed on above. Blue shivered as he recognized that voice.


He circled around in front of Blue, smiling.

"You.." Blue snarled.

"It's nice to see you, too!"

"Where am I? Why did you bring me here?"

"Oh, I just brought you here to.. answer some of my questions, although I know you have a lot more than I do. I'd like to get started immediately, if you don't mind."

"And what makes you think I'd ever talk to you?"

_nala looked up, signaling. Suddenly, something jabbed into the back of Blue's neck and started to electrocute him. Blue could barely think with the jolts of electricity being shocked into him. It hurt so bad. And just as it started, it stopped. It left him gasping for air.

"That's what will happen if you don't want to participate or answer untruthfully. Now, are we going to do this right now, or do you want to undergo an hour of electrocution, and see if you're ready to talk after that?"

Blue sat to think for a moment. 'I need to be careful with my answers here..'

"I'll.. I'll talk.."

"Good. First question. When did you all discover that I was going to attack that site?"

"Depends, how long was I out for?"

"Only a day. The attack happened this morning."

"Then.. we found out around yesterday afternoon."

"I see. Now here's the thing I'm most interested in. Who did you find this information out from?"

Blue hesitated. The two must've known each other. If Victim wasn't lying with the fact that he was one of _nala's creations, telling _nala that they were working with one of his old acquaintances might be risky.


"We were told and helped by an outside source. That's all I know."

_nala examined his face for a second, before signaling again. Blue felt another wave of shocks flow through his entire body.

Once it stopped, _nala placed a hand under Blue's chin and lifted up his head. He was shaking.

"I need exact, direct answers. I don't have time for you to beat around the bush. Now tell me, who helped you?"

Blue weakly breathed.

"I.. it was.. some gray hollowhead.. called.. Victim."

"Did he say anything about me?"

"Um.. well, that you were his animator?"

"That has to be him.. poor thing probably got forced by the Resistance.."

He dropped Blue, leaving him to look up on his own.

"I'll have to send a message to him, something to tell him to come visit! Chosen will be so happy.. anyways, that's all I wanted to ask."

"Ok.. what are you going to do with me now..?"

"Hm, good question. I actually have plans for you."

Blue gulped. "That.. that is?"

"Why, I'm recruiting you to fight under me!"

"Yeah, no, that's not happening, you can't shock me into that."

"Exactly. That's why we'll need to code some obedience commands into you by hand. Chosen is preparing a nifty little device that will do just that. DJ, throw over the taser and go check on Chosen's progress."

The taser that had been used to shock Blue was thrown right over him into _nala's hands. Only a few seconds later, a voice responded.

"He said that it's ready!"

"Then bring it in!"

Footsteps. Blue tried to get out again. He struggled despite the pain, and yet, it didn't work. Figures. His body was weak at the moment. It only got worse when a small, metallic object was ledged into his upper shoulder.

"Try not to move too much." _nala smiled. "It'll only make it worse. Or, move if you want. I enjoy seeing you in pain."

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