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"Until one day, Daedalus—ever the tricky craftsman—was struck with an idea! He would gather the shed feathers of the birds that flew by, and save as much of their candle wax as he could. And when the timing was right—when he had enough to build—Daedalus would construct two mighty sets of wings for both he and his son to fly out of their prison!"

(Third Person POV)
Hotel, Room 407

Alan felt he had never hugged a person harder. Over 10 years passed, and here he was. He wasn't gone. He wasn't dead. He was here and alive.

They both cried tears of joy that whole night. Why wouldn't they? Back in high-school, they were some of the closest friends out of all the other people who went there. After DJ had disappeared, he was never found and the case went cold. Everyone thought he died out there, including Alan himself.

After the tears, they both sat across from each other on the separate beds the hotel gave them.

"I never would have guessed that you of all people would be one of the world's most famous cyber criminals! Where have you been?"

"I should be asking you that really. Everyone thought you died."

"Me? No, I was just running away from some of my own problems. Decided to pick up this gig for a lot of money. I was desperate and I never went to college so besides working retail (which I really didn't want to do) this was my other choice. Why not?"

"Ah. Don't worry, I didn't graduate college."


"I quit my last year there."

"And you're still so smart to become the one and only _nala? How?"

"Self teaching works wonders! You never would have guessed."

"Jeez. Also, I've been wanting to ask.. what happened to your eye? I didn't ask at first because it seemed too personal but.."

Alan sighed, his happy expression dimming. He knew the question would come eventually. Running a hand over his stitches, he looked back to his friend.

"All I wanna say is that things got really rough during college."

"Oh. You don't have to tell me any more."


"It's nothing. Now, I don't know about you, but I'm starving! Is pizza ok?"

"Sure. I'll pay."

"Nope. I will."

"I kind of threatened you with a knife, so I'll be paying!"

DJ chuckled. "Alright, whatever then."

DJ pulled out his phone and ordered to the room.

"So Alan. I'm curious, did you ever have any run-ins with the cops?"

"Barely, I've only been nearly caught once, and that was just a few hours ago when my enemies exposed my locations."

"Woah, enemies? You got enemies?"

"Yup, they've been on my trail for forever. But it wasn't just them this time, it was also them and myself from the portal I opened.."

"Woah, woah, woah. Slow down, what in the fresh hell are you talking about? Portals? Yourself? You lost me at 'myself.'"

"Hah.. oops. Yeah, there's a lot I have to tell you about, with the stick figures and everything.."

"Were you fighting with stick figures?" DJ laughed a little.

"I know it sounds ridiculous, but they are sentient."

"No! No, I totally believe that. I'm friends with two. But tell me the rest, I'm interested now."

"Are you sure? It's a really, really long story."

"I'm sure. Besides, we got time before the food arrives, so tell me all about it. I'm definitely listening."

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