3. ᴛʜᴇ ꜱᴛʀᴀɴɢᴇʀ

642 24 31

(Third Person POV)
Stick City, Arcade

From the cafe and on their way to the arcade, Second was on high alert and paranoid. He had been seeing this stick everywhere, just stalking them no matter where they were. Despite the situation, he didn't say anything.

'Maybe it's a coincidence.'

His gut told him otherwise no matter how hard he tried to reason with himself.

The five, at this point, arrived at the arcade. After buying tokens, everyone rushed off to play, trying to find something interesting. They had gotten Second tokens too, but he couldn't bring himself to play like they did. His nerves just kept him on his feet, walking around the arcade aimlessly. He felt weak just being here, the flashing lights and colors made him feel young, the young age where he was easily impressionable and was tricked into working for such an evil man.

Impressionable. Easily manipulated. He hated the feeling of being weak like this. Oblivious as all the sticks who walked the streets of this city. And yet, another small part of him wanted so bad to be young again. To be blissfully happy and unaware again.

He fidgeted with the small plastic tokens in his hand before hearing footsteps behind him. Second didn't think much of it at first, but he jumped when a hand was placed on his shoulder.

"Hello Second, or that's what I think your name is, isn't it?" The stranger whispered.

Second's breath slowed to a crawl. 

"I know you've seen me following you all around. It's taken a lot of hard work to find you lot, you know?

"Who the hell are you?" Second lowered his voice.

"Someone who knows something.. something very important."

"I don't know who you are, but if you're doing this as a joke, it's not funny."

"Oh Second, this is the opposite. It's about _nala. Information that you don't know yet."


"I know you know he's still out there, even if he has been silent for a few months. I know things, but public isn't a good place to discuss, is it? Now I know you guys just got a break, so if you don't want to hear anything, you can stay here. But if you do, I'll be in the alley to the left."

The hand left Second's shoulder, but as Second turned around to try and catch who it was, they were gone again.

Second was tempted for sure, but at the same time, he knew his friends would be disappointed if he did go.

"So why're you just staring at the wall?"

Second jumped and turned. It was just Green.

"What's wrong, Sec? You've been acting weird ever since we left the pizza joint."

"There's been someone following us since we left that place."

"Second, it's probably a coincidence."

"But it isn't. He always stared at us starting there. He always watched. I just had a run in with him."

"Well what did this stick want then?"

"I don't know if this is legit or not, probably not, but he said he knew something about.. you know who. Admittedly, it's most likely just some weirdo, but it's weirding me out. He's been following us for the two hours we've been out."

"Well, not everyone is reliable, and it's most likely some weirdo. Did he tell you anything else besides that?"

"To meet him in the alley in the left of the arcade if I wanted to discuss further."

"I wouldn't trust that."

"He might just keep following us if I don't."

"If that's the case I'll go with you."

"Are you sure?"

"If it gets whoever this is to leave us alone, then sure.

Hesitantly, the two left the arcade and circled around to the alley, and there he was. To the sound of their footsteps, he turned around to face them.

"So, you decided to come. Wise choice. And I've seen you brought a friend. No matter."

"Look dude, can you buzz off? You're making us really uncomfortable, especially 'cause you're following us around." Green crossed his arms.

"But for a good reason. I hope to form an alliance with your group, but I must get to the important part. To prove I'm not just a stranger, I'll say I know about your trip to the other universe, quite an interesting event. I observed it, through cameras of course."

The two paused.

"How..?" Second muttered.

"I was able to observe _nala and you guys from a distance on multiple occasions, but I could never reach you because you all were too busy. I took my chance now and got it. Now, that information I promised. _nala was never arrested. In fact, the day after he fled, he started planning again, but very slowly. I don't know why he's so inefficient right now, but the point is, he's planning something big again, and it looks like he's made more alliances. It's not just him and Chosen now, there are 3 other people involved." 


"A real person and 2 sticks. I don't know the identification of the sticks, but I do know the man, vaguely. Heard of DD?"

"Dark Driver?"

"That's the nickname people gave him, but yes. I speculate him to be the person who helped _nala escape. It appears they've teamed up, but I don't know why that is either. Their plan right now is unclear, looks as if they've started on paper."

"How were you able to access this information? Who the hell are you?"

"I can only tell you if you agree to work with me."

He held out a hand.

"Second, I don't know.." Green whispered.

Second thought for a moment. His gut was right. He needed to know more.

"This war isn't over yet."

Second took the stranger's hand.

"Good, now, my name of course.."

He slid off his hood.

"..my name is Victim, but you can call me Vic."

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