Hermione's never know whether Lucius knows about the fact that Orion is his son, it's not very obvious that he is. All three of her boys have grey eyes but only Scorpius and Perseus have Draco's silvery grey eyes, Orion on the other hand has the cold stormy grey eyes of his father, the only real thing that tells him apart from his brothers but only if you really look. Hermione hates the idea of Lucius being around her children, especially Orion but the only time she can be brave around him is if they are around.

Hermione takes a deep shaky breath and turns away from Lucius and moves over to her children, she watches them eating and waits for Lucius to leave, which he does a couple of minutes later, she doesn't touch her food as she feels to sick to even look at food.


The rest of the day goes how it normally does, the two older boys get tutored for a few hours before playing in their playroom with Perseus, Hermione does chores before spending the rest of the day with the boys.

Hermione smiles softly as she closes the door of Scorpius and Orion's room after saying goodnight, she walks down into her room but quickly notices someone in the room, who is revealed to be Lucius. Hermione turns to run out of the room when the door locks behind her, she pounds on the door as the panic rises in her chest before turning around to see Lucius walking over to her, she tries to send her mind somewhere else but finds it hard as he grabs her by the hair and throws her to the ground, which starts the beating.

Fury is all she can see in his eyes as he kicks her repeatedly in the stomach, ribs, black and legs before he begins to use his cane to cause more damage, she rolls on the floor trying to protect her body from more harm. For a second it stops and Hermione looks up to see Lucius pull out his wand. "Crucio." Lucius casts, the pain is instant and Hermione writhes around on the floor and tries to scream but it gets lost on her throat as it burns. Lucius casts the spell multiple times, eventually Hermione starts to lose conscious as the pain overwhelms her.

Almost like he knows that she is about to become unconscious, Lucius stops the spell and looks down at Hermione with a look of pleasure and malice at her broken looking body and obvious pain. "That should teach you not to talk back to me." Lucius spits venomously at Hermione who can barely open her eyes. It surprises her when he suddenly unlocks the door and leaves, leaving her bleeding and bruised on the floor.

It takes a while for Hermione to find the strength to even sit up and much longer for her to stand up, she slowly makes it to the bathroom where she takes in the damage done to her body as she looks in the mirror. Bruises are already forming and blood seeps through the cuts made by his cane. Hermione decides to take a shower and washes off the blood and cleans the cuts, once out of the bath she casts a healing spell, which only gets rid of the cuts but it becomes evident that she has got some broken ribs which only become less painful with another healing spell.

Hermione's face isn't too bad but there are some bruises, which she places some concealer on before getting changed into some comfortable pyjamas and getting into bed.


The sound of the bedroom door opening wakes Hermione in a panic before she notices that it is Draco and releases a sigh of relief, Draco walks over to the bed and sits down. "I didn't mean to wake you." Draco says quietly, Hermione takes a quiet deep breath. "It's fine, what time is it?" Hermione asks as she sits up in bed. "It's about 5am." Draco says as he start to get unchanged, Hermione watches him carefully and can't stop herself from staring at Draco's bare chest, she shakes her head as he puts a pyjama top on.

"You're back early." Hermione says as she continues to watch him, he doesn't notice. "Voldemort has called a meeting so I was called here about an hour ago." Draco explains before finishing changing and gets into bed. "Is something going on?" Hermione questions as Draco nods his head, indicating that he wants her to get closer, which she does. "I don't know for sure but I think he's bringing some higher up Death Eater." Draco tells Hermione has he places his arm around her and she curls into him.

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