Chapter Twenty Seven - Help

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It was a week since the maze, everyone in the school was haunted by the events unfolded. Harry had told us that Moody was actually Barty Crouch junior using the Polyjuice potion to manipulate things so that Voldemort could return, which he had and I believed Harry.

Speaking of Harry he had taken me to the side, away from the others and told me that when he was in the graveyard and after Voldemorts return, death eaters appeared, my father being one of them. It was then what I felt made sense. It was like a sixth sense telling me what had happened.

Cedric's funeral took place and in light of that, Professor Dumbledore had gathered everyone in the great hall. The professor sat alone on his chair.

"Today we acknowledge a really terrible loss. Cedric Diggory was as you all know exceptionally hard working, infinitely fair minded and most importantly a fierce, fierce friend." The professor rose up from his chair continuing to address us all "Now, I think, therefore, you have the right to know exactly how he died." he paused

"You see. Cedric Diggory was murdered by Lord Voldemort!" My hand went to hold Harry's "The ministry of magic does not wish me to tell you this. But not to do so, I think would be an insult to his memory. Now, the pain we all feel at this dreadful loss reminds me and reminds us that while we come from different places and speak in different tongues our hearts beat as one. In light of recent events the bonds of friendship we've made this year will be more important than ever.

Remember that, and Cedric Diggory will not have died in vain. You remember that and we'll celebrate a boy who was kind and honest and brave and true, right to the very end."


I put on a smile, a friendly face as we said our goodbyes to our french and Bulgarian counterparts. We clapped, cheered and even shook hands as they left, returning home after a eventful year of school. The four of us met back up away from all the students.

"Do you think we'll ever just have a quiet year at Hogwarts?" Ron questioned laughing a little.

"No." we all denied

"No, I didn't think so. Oh, well. What's life without a few dragons." Ron and Harry were just walking off but Hermione and stayed. They turned to us.

"Everything's going to change now, isn't it?" Hermione questioned. Harry came over and rested a hand on her shoulder.

"Yes." he answered truthfully. We joined them

"Promise me you'll write this summer. All of you." Hermione requested

"I won't you know I won't" Ron replied

"Harry will won't you." I look at him

"Yeah, every week." we went and watched as Durmstrang and Bauxbatons both flew and sailed away. I look down at my watch

"I need to go see Professor McGonagall. I will see you later." I excused myself and made my way to her office. I knocked and waited

"Come in." I took a deep breath and entered, she looked up "Miss Malfoy, to what do I owe this visit." she wondered and I struggled to get the words out

"Miss Malfoy?"

"I umm. I need your help." My voice broke "I don't know what to do, Professor." she rose up from her chair and came around to face me

"I have faced a troll, dangerous game of Wizards chess, being attacked by a fellow student, a werewolf teacher and dementors. Yet right now none of that danger compares and I don't know what to do."

"Come and sit down, my dear. Start from the beginning." she sat me down and joined me . I wiped away my tears

"During the third task, i felt something. I felt like my heart had been broken, betrayal and that I was in danger. I didn't know what it meant till Harry pulled me aside. When Voldemort came back, some of his death eaters were in the graveyard. One of them was my father." she sat back taking what I said in.

"Professor, I can't go home. Now that he's back my father will follow and in the eyes of fanatic pureblood like my father and Voldemort I'm a traitor to my kind, what if Voldemort orders him to kill me or worse turn me." I started rambling through my tears as I finally broke down at the harsh reality I now faced "Please help." I fell into her arms and she cautiously wrapped her arms around my sobbing figure

"I will, I will Miss Malfoy. Send word to Professor Dumbledore, asking for his presence." I assumed she told one of the paintings. I finally had calm down and sat back up when the door opened. Professor Mcgonagall handed me a handkerchief

"Wait her while I talk with Professor Dumbledore." I nodded and she stood up

-3rd Person-

Professor McGonagall and Dumbledore left the room and a now shaking Vega to wipe away her fearful tears.

"Did Potter tell you who was in the graveyard?" she wondered

"Only that loyal supports of Voldemort showed up." he answered concerned

"One of those loyal supporters was Lucius Malfoy. Miss Malfoy learned of this through Mr Potter and now she's terrified of returning home. She fears that Voldemort will either have her turned or worse killed. What do we do Albus?" she voiced her conversation and Dumbledore scowled.

"What we must, it is first and foremost our duty to protect our students." he replied "The train does not leave until tomorrow, I will make some inquiries and return. For now give her a calming draught and return her to her dormitory." Minerva nodded and the parted from one another.


The next day during breakfast, Vega was quiet. The others noticed but they didn't need to ask, Harry because he knew. Ron and Hermione because they knew that she would tell them in her own time.

"Miss Malfoy." they all looked up to Professor McGonagall "You're being taken early, please follow me."

"Professor, she can't." Harry denied but Vega rested a hand on his shoulder

"It's okay. I'll be fine." she assured them with a small smile then followed her head of house to Professor Dumbledore's office. But the headmaster wasn't alone. there were a group of people with him


"Ah, Miss Malfoy." Dumbledore greeted "I wish for you to meet a few people. This is the very much real Alister Moody." Moody nodded to me "Kingsley Shacklebolt, Nyphadora Tonks and of course you remember Professor Lupin." I nodded to them

"Each and every one of these people belong to a recently revived organisation called the order of the Phoenix. I won't bore you with too much detail but get straight to the point. Your request for help has been heard a you are now under the protection and care of the order." he told me.

"And that means what exactly?" I wondered

"It means Miss Malfoy, you will not be returning home this summer." Moody stated "I have spoken to trusted people a notice has been sent that due to allegations you have been declared at risk and immediately removed from your parents care."

"And where do I go? all of my family share the same values as you know who, where apart from school am I actually safe?"

"With me." I turned to come face to face with Sirius "The only family member on your side."

"Sirius!" I breathed in relief and hugged him which he gladly returned

"Officially, my name is assigned to your protection." Lupin stated as we both broke apart and turned to him "But Sirius made a good case that you needed family and right now and he was it."

" I have somewhere safe for the both of us. Don't you worry about that." he assured me. Finally I felt safe and comfortable.

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