Chapter Twelve - Unbelieveable

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Sirius Black lay by the side of the lake still and barely breathing. I heard crackling and looked up from my cousin . The water slowly began to turn to ice, like it had done on the train all those months ago.

"Harry...dementors." I whispered pointing to the water of the first sign they were close. For a brief moment Sirius woke back up. Then a horde of dementors descended up on un-metaphorically taking cheap shots at Sirius and sucking the life out of him. Harry stood up.

"Expect Patronum!" he yelled and a blue/white light emitted from his wand. Though he couldn't hold it. i stood up next to him and in retaliation they turned on us like Dumbledore had stated. I screamed as the happiness and joy that kept me sane were sucked out. My energies were low as it was and I fell into blackness.


When I woke up I had a throbbing headache. I groaned sitting up and took in my surroundings. I was in the hospital wing, back in the castle. Harry was to my right passed out and Hermione was sat between the two of us.

"You're okay." she breathed tackling me into a hug.

"No i'm in pain. My head is throbbing, don't shout." i groaned holding my head. I no longer hand a bloody shirt bruised mark on my head swollen but healed together by magic.

"Here, have this. Madam Pomfrey says it will ease the pain" she handed me a cup and I downed the pain relief.

"Thanks." All of us had been tended to in one for or another. Ron still had his leg, Hermione got away with cuts and scrapes though her hand was bandaged up. I had a dressing on my head and bandaged wrists that I must have badly scraped at some point.

"You okay Ron?" I asked getting up

"Could be better, but yeah." I took Harry's side "We were told some of what happened down by the lake." he added

"Yay you. I barely remember it. The dementors found me easy pickings with what little energy I had." I reply

"Vega." Harry groaned and I looked down to him as he was slowly surfacing.

"Harry." I shook him "Harry, wake up." he groaned, waking up

"I saw my Dad." were his first words coming back into the land of the living.

"What?" I asked as he grabbed my arm

"He sent the dementors away. I saw him across the lake." he added and Hermione took his other side.

"Listen, Harry. They've captured Sirius. Any minute the dementors are going to perform the kiss" Harry scrambled up and the two of us stood as Harry put on his glasses

"You mean they're gonna kill him?"

"No. It's worse, much worse. They're going to suck out his soul." Hermione told us. The doors to the hospital and in came Dumbledore.

"Headmaster you've got to stop them. They've got the wrong man." I insisted

"It's true. Sirius is innocent." Harry agreed

"It's scabbers who did it." Ron chimed in from his bed ridden state.

"Scabbers?" Professor Dumbledore wondered

"He's my rat sir. He's not really a rat. He was a rat. He was my brother Percy's Rat. but then they gave him an owl...." Ron went off on a tangent.

"The point is, we know the truth." Hermione cut in "Please believe us."

"I do Miss Granger. But I'm sorry to say the word of four 13 year old Wizards will convince few others." he moved past us and over to Hermione and Ron. "A child's voice however honest and true is meaningless to those who've forgotten to listen." Dumbledore tapped Rons injured foot making him whimper. His gaze fell on me

"Mysterious thing, time. Powerful and when meddled with, dangerous." He moved back heading for the door. "Sirius Black is in the topmost cell of the dark tower." he stated with our back to us the turned to face me. Hermione joined my side

"You know the laws. Miss Malfoy, only two of you may travel. And you would do well, I feel to return before this last chime. If not the consequences are to ghastly to discuss." he approached us "If you succeed tonight more than one innocent life may be spared." he went to leave.

"Oh, three turns should do it?" he winked at me then actually headed for the doors "Oh by the way, when in doubt, I find retracing my steps to be wise place to begin." The doors closed.

i turned to Hermione

"Who goes?" I ask my friend

"You, if your up to it. I'll stay here. Promise me you'll be careful. and take this" she replied handing he her hoodie I slipped it on.

" Than you." I grin. she stands back and I removed the time turner from under my shirt and bring drape it around Harry.He tried to touch it but I slap his hands away turning it three times. Like all the other times I've used it, the world turns backwards while we remain in the same place. Dark became light once more and the infirmary was deserted. I removed the chain from Harry and tucked the time turner away.

"What just happened? Where's Ron and Hermione?" Harry questioned as I turn to the inside of the clock and tied my hair up with the spare tie i just found in Hermione pocket.

"7:30 where were we at Seven thirty?" I ask him not answering his questions

"I don't know, going to Hagrids." he answered. I took his hand in mine holding it tight

"Come on, and we can't be seen." I pulled him into a run. He kept calling my name but we didn't have time. We ran through the halls and down to Hagrids. Luckily for us most were still having their supper or more likely in the common room so dodging people was easy.

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