Chapter Twenty Two - Courage Dampner

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-3rd Person-

The the four friends sat together at breakfast. Hermione was reading a charms book, Ron was eating, Vega was reading the news paper and Harry glanced over at Cho. Her friends noticed this and told her. He gave her a quick smile and turned to Vega.

"Un-bloody-believable!" she exclaimed "That bloody woman's done it again. 'Miss Malfoy the bookish but ambitious girl seems to be developing a taste for famous wizards. Her latest pray, sources tell is fellow Hufflepufian and Bulgarian Bonbon Cedric Digger and Viktor Krum. No word yet on how Harry Potter is taking this emotional blow. The woman is a menace.

Not once have I even spoken to Krum, Cedric well, we talk and we're not even dating, we friends. That woman makes my blood boil" she vents and then blows hair out of her face, she does it again.

"Here." Harry tucked the stray hair away.

"Parcel for you Mr Weasley." One of the first years came over and handed a parcel to Ron.

"Thank you Nigel." Nigel then turned to Harry waiting. Hermione cleared her throat and nodded over to the first year.

"Not now, Nigel. Later. Go on." Ron shoed him off and he went. We stared at him as he was undoing the string on his package.

"I told him I'd get Harry's autograph." I rolled my eyes and closed the paper "Oh, look. Mum's sent me something. We removed the top and Ron pulled out a robe like fancy attire or at least it was in the middle ages.

"Mum sent me a dress."

"Well it does match your eyes. Is there a bonnet? Aha." Harry pulled one out and held it up

"Put it down Harry." Ron shook his head and went down to Ginny "Ginny, these must be for you."

"I'm not wearing that, it's ghastly" Vega started laughing at his mistake

"What are you laughing at?" he grumbled

"They're not for Ginny. There for you." Hermione told him and that got a laugh from those who could hear "Dress Robes."

"Dress robes, for what?"


All Gryffindor students had been gathered in a classroom. Filtch was messing with a gramophone

"The Yule Ball has been a tradition of the Triwizard tournament since it's inception. On Christmas Eve night, we and our guests gather in the hall for a night of well mannered frivolity." Professor McGonagall told us "As representatives of the host school I expect each and every one of you to put your best foot froward. And I mean this literally, because the yule ball is, first and foremost a dance."

"Oh this should be interesting." I stated Hermione

"Silence." we became quiet, once more. "The house of Godric Gryffindor has commanded the respect of the wizard world for nearly 10 centuries. I will not have you, in the course of a single evening, besmirching that name by behaving like a babbling, bumbling band of baboons. Now to dance is to let the body breathe. Inside every girl a secret swan slumbers longing to burst forth and take flight. Inside every boy a lordly lion prepared to prance. Mr Weasley." I covered my mouth in amusement as Ron sunk down

"Will you please join me?" he got pulled up to the amusement of the boys. "Now place your right hand on my waist."


"My waist." she repeated and he did so, I'm sure one of the twins whistled but I burst into a fit of giggles at his awkwardness "And extend your arm. Mr Filtch if you please." Filtch played the music. She began counting out the steps

"Everybody come together." All of us girls got up without hesitation. The boys not so much "Boys, on your feet." they slunk further until Neville bravely got up he scanned us girls and came over to me.

"Vega?" I smiled and took his hand he rested it on my waist and I took his shoulder in his hand . It was a shaky start but he only stepped on my toes twice.


There was a buzz going around now that the Yule Ball had been announced. Some boys were brave enough to ask girls. Others like Ron and Harry looked at girls and backed off. The four of us sat down by the lake. Krum past us and for a moment stared at Hermione. I nudge her and she stuck her tongue out at me before continuing to work despite the group of fawning girls.

Due to the extra students sometimes we would work in the Great hall which is where we were now. Ron was complaining.

"This is mad. At this rate, we'll be the only ones in our year without dates." Snape forcibly moved Ron's head "Well, us a Neville."

"Yeah but then again, he can take himself." Harry joked

"It might interest you to know that Neville's already got a date." I told them then carried on, I was nearly finished with my work.

"Oh, now I'm really depressed." I rolled my eyes and finished the work that was set.

"Maybe if you grew a pair you would already have a date." I got up from my seat and handed my book to Snape. I then grabbed my things and left them too it.

"Vega!" I turned to come face to face with Cedric

"Hello, Cedric." I smiled

"Hi. Uh Vega...I was...I was wondering if you would go to the ball with me?" My mouth opened and shut. A thousand thought were rushing through my head. But what came out was.

"I would be delighted." he broke into a big smile

"Great, that's great. I will meet you at the bottom of the stairs then." I nodded and he left. Hermione ended up joining me

"What was that about?" she wondered

"Cedric Diggory just asked me to the ball." I squealed "And I said yes."

"You did?" she didn't seem as happy as I was

"What?" my elation decreased

"Nothing it's just...well haven't you noticed?" she questioned


"Harry, it's obvious to everyone in our house that he likes you." I scoff and roll my eyes "He does, he comforts you when your upset, you do the same, he tucks your hair back and is well subtly touchy feely with you."

"You're seeing things." I walk off and write a letter to mother tell her about the ball and how Cedric asked me. I then take it Ozzy my Owl and send it off. Just as I was coming out I bumped into Harry.


"Harry" we sides stepped a little then I grabbed him by the arms and turned him around "Be careful on the stairs they're icy today."

"Okay." I went to head down "Vega." I turn and head back up

"Well I was just wondering. Well, I was wondering if you wanted to go to the ball with me?" he asked and my heart sunk and my heart raged wishing he had asked me earlier. I knew what Hermione said was true and in all honesty I felt more for Harry that I did for Cedric.

"Oh." I look down "I would, but the thing is... Someone's already asked me and well, I said yes." he looked crestfallen

"Okay, yeah. Great. Fine no problem. Okay, good." he headed inside the owlry and I headed down the stairs tear pricking at my eyes

"I wish you had that courage hours ago." I whisper to myself

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