Chapter Seven - Brutal

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The next day's quidditch game was brutal. It was raining and windy as hell. I wiped the rain from my goggles and then caught the quaffle and threw it threw the hoop scoring ten points for Gryffindoor. At some point during the match I lost sight of Harry for a few minutes and when I saw him again he was falling at rapid speed to the ground. I pulled myself to a halt as he then scowled down but still hit the ground.

"Harry!" I yelled and the whistle was blown ending the match , i sped over and landed with a little thud then ran to my friends side. i was the first to reach him and I knew that look. he had the same look on the train. Everyone else came over

"Professor, look" I told Dumbledore and he saw the dementors on school grounds.

"Have Mr Potter taken to the infirmary." he was carried off and we all followed, The twins noticed that Harry's broom had been destroyed with what happened. There was a large group of us crowding him. I was the one to sit by him on the bed though.

"He looks a bit peaky doesn't he?" Ron commented

"Peaky?" Fred asked "Let's walk you off the astronomy tower and see what you look like"

"Probably a right sight better than he normally does." Harry answered coming round and making me smile. He sat himself up and everyone backed off a little.

"How are you feeling?" I wondered

"Oh, brilliant." he commented

"You gave us a right good scare, there Mate." George stated as I handed him his glasses, he took them from me and slipped them on.

"What happened?" Harry asked

"Well, you fell off your broom" Ron told him making me roll my eyes and shake my head

"Really?" Harry retorted "I meant the match. Who won?"

"Umm, no one blames you Harry." Hermione began "The dementors aren't supposed to be on the grounds. Dumbledore's furious. As soon as he saved you, he sent them straight off" she informed him.

"There's something else you should know too, Harry." Ron continued I stood up and next to Hermione "When you fell your broom sort of blew into the whomping willow and... we'll." Ron revealed the completely broken and unfixable broom.

"Guys let's go. Let Harry get some rest." I state and the begin to file out. Ron took the broken broom with him "See you later"


Christmas time was soon upon us and it was another trip to Hogsmeade. I promised to pick up a couple of things for Fred and George. Hermione and Ron went of to see the shrieking shack. I wasn't all that bothered by it. I was in Honeydukes having a lollipop when I felt arms wrap around my shoulders and something go over my head.

"Shh, it's just me." I heard Harry and shuffle to turn and face him.

"Harry, what the hell, you scared me." i slapped his arm "How did you get out anyway?" I whisper

"The twins gave me this map, a secret passage brought me into the cellar. Where are the others?" he wondered clearing his throat as he breath fanned over me.

"The...The shreaking shack. They're at the shrieking shack. Shall we?" he nods and I come out from the invisibility cloak. And leave the shop knowing he was following behind me. On our way there I heard my brother talking, he knew the two of them had gone to see it and they were going to go as well and tease them. I stop and held my hand out it took a moment but I felt the inviable had take mine.

"How about we mess with my brother?" I ask

"Sounds fun." came Harry's reply. We followed them and watched, well I listened as I made some snowballs and then hid under the cloak. Draco was running his mouth off. I threw a snow ball at him. Harry threw the next and the two of us together ran down and wrecked havoc on not just Draco but Crabbe and Goyle as well, scaring them off. I pointed to our friends and stating behind them I played with Ron had and harry played with Hermione hair.

"Harry, Vega" Mine giggled and we removed the cloak.

"Bloody hell you two. That was not funny." Ron said with a small smile. Once we had calmed down. Harry told the others about the map he was given.

"Those weasels! They never told me about any Marauders Map." Ron complained

"Harry isn't going to keep it. He's going to turn it over to Professor Mcgnagall. Aren't you?" Hermione pressed

"Do you want him to turn over his invisibility cloak as well. Besides knowing the trouble we find ourselves in, it could come in handy." I reply to my best friend.

"Oh look who it is. Madam Rosmerta. Ron fancies her." Hermione joked changing the subject

"That's not true." he protested. From where we were we the minister for magic arrive and was talking with Professor mcGonagall and Madam Rosmerta. There conversation was like mist until our ears perked up hearing the name.

"Sirius Black in Hogsmeade and what would bring him here?" Madam Rosmerta wondered. Fudge muttered something to her. "Harry Potter?" the two shushed her and scurried inside. I went to say something to Harry but he was already gone, all he left was footprints in the snow.

"Harry!" i call and we followed them.

"I say no, underage wizards allowed in today. Shut the damn door." One of the shrinking heads scolded us at the door way.

"Honestly so rude." Hermione huffed

"Thick heads." Ron added and w found a place to wait outside. I paced back and forth, nervous and biting my nails.

"He'll be fine." Hermione stated. I stopped seeing footprints in the snow.

"look." i pointed then the choir fell to the ground. We quickly followed apologising to them as we went and back out near to the shaking shack once more, that's where the footprints stopped and crying began.

"Vega, you go." Hermione pushed me forward. I didn't question but knelt down infant of the rock where the prints ended and reached out pulling the cloak off, revealing him.

"What Happened, Harry."

"He was their friend and he betrayed them. He was their friend!" he shouted "I hope he finds me. Because when he does, i'm gonna be ready, when he does. I'm gonna kill him." I wrapped my arms around to comfort him and he accepted it.

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