Chapter Ten - A lot is happening

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Hermione caught me as Harry went to strangle Sirius and throw him to the floor holding his wand to Sirius' head. The older man laughed.

"Are you going to kill me Harry?"

"Expeliarmus!" Harry's wand flew out of his hand. my gaze snapped up to see Lupin, who gestured for Harry to move away. I pulled him back to my side. "Well, well, Sirius. Looking rather ragged aren't we? Finally the flesh reflects the madness within."

"Well, you'd know all about the madness with in, wouldn't you, Remus?" Lupin helped him up and they hugged and covered with one another

"No!" I shouted once I heard the words 'Lets' kill him.' " I trusted you. Yet all this time you've been his friend. He's a werewolf." I told the others

"That's why he's been missing classes."

"How long have you known?" he wondered

"Since Professor Snape set the essay. I've figured that he's an ass but there is always a method to his broodiness. It wasn't that hard." I snapped back at him.

"Well, well well, Vega. You really are one of the brightest witches of your age I've ever met." he replied. Any other time I would be happy to have the compliment, but he was a traitor.

"Enough, talk Remus! Come on, let's kill him." I wobbled about.

"Wait." Lupin insisted as I felt a arm keep me steady but bring me back

"I did my waiting! 12 Years of Azkaban." Sirius yelled back. They looked at us before Lupin made up his mind.

"Very well, kill him. But wait one more minute. Harry has the right to know why." I was handed over to Hermione though the moment of dizziness had past

"I know why. You betrayed my parents. You're the reason they're dead." Harry retorted

"No, Harry. It wasn't him. Somebody did betray your parents but it was somebody who until quite recently I believed to be dead."

"Who?" I drawled lazily, though I wasn't dizzy I was tired though I tried to stay awake.

"Peter Pettigrew!" Sirius declared "And he's here right now. Come out come out Peter! Come out come out and play!" he cackled

"Expeliarmus!" Harry's wand that was in Sirius' hand wand flew away. As did Lupin's. Snape stood in the door way "Oh, Vengeance is sweet. I hoped I'd be the one to catch you."

"Severus." Lupin tried but backed off once the wand was aimed at him

"I told Dumbledore you were helping a friend into the castle. Here's the..." Blackness


Vega passed out, almost taking Hermione with her. Hermione squealed mid argument between the three men.

"Vega." Harry breathed catching her and lowering her to the ground, the sleeve Harry had ripped was stained with blood. He checked her pulse. She still had one.

"She's okay, just unconscious." Harry told their friends. The men carried on their bickering, but what the didn't notice was that Harry took Vega's wand from her boot. He stood back up coming to the end of the argument

"After you." Snape turned on Harry "Retrieve Miss Malfoy."

"Expeliarmus!" Harry was only meant to disarm Snape but because he used a wand which wasn't his. It sent Snape flying onto the old bed knocking him out as well.

"Harry what did you just do?" Ron questioned shocked

"You attacked a teacher." Hermione exclaimed while she was knelt beside her best friend.

"Tell me about Peter Pettigriew." Harry demanded

"He was at school with us, we thought he was our friend." Lupin explained

"Now, Pettigrews dead. You killed him." Harry aimed the last part at Sirius

"No he didn't. I thought so to until you mentioned Pettigrew on the map." Lupin defended his friend.

"The map was lying then."

"The map never lies." Sirius insisted "Pettigrew's alive and he's right there." Sirius pointed in Rons direction

"Me? He's mental" Ron denied

"Not you, your rat." Sirius amended

"Scabbers has been in my family for....."

"Twelve years?" Sirius questioned "Curiously long life for a common garden rat. He's missing a toe isn't he?"

"So what?"

"All they could find of Pettigrew was his..." Harry pieced it together.

"Finger! The dirty coward cut it off so everyone would think he was dead. And then he transformed into a rat." Sirius told them. Just as Vega began to pull herself around.

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