Chapter Three - Jittery Start

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After the welcoming back feast, we all made our way to our dormitories but we couldn't get in because the new fact lady who replaced the other one last year still was trying her thing as some greek muse.

"Here, listen. She just won't let me in." Seamus sighed leaning on the stone railing

"Fortuna Major." Harry tried

"No, no. Wait wait. Watch this." she insisted then began to screech loudly scaring the other pictures. Till she cracked the glass "Oh amazing just with my voice." I rolled my eyes she smashed it on the painting wall behind her

"Fortuna Major."

"Yes. Alright go in." she finally opened up. The boys were talking about how annoying she was. That night I couldn't exactly get to sleep. I sat in the common room by the fire resting my chin on my knee

"Penny for your thoughts." I heard Harry. I glance around and see him come off the last step and join me sitting in front of the sofa "It's starting to become a pattern I think. You can't sleep the first night."

"That's because there is always something worrying me." I smile sadly

"Are you cautions after what happened last year?" he guessed

"A little, but that's not what's bothering me." I sigh and rest my legs out "If I tell you something can you not tell the others, at least for now." He nodded

"I promise."

"Sirius Black is my cousin." I told him and he was shocked "Well my second cousin. He's my Mum's cousin. And for the longest time the only person I could relate to." I admitted

"Why?" he crossed his legs and faced me

"Because he was a Gryffindor like me. Harry what you have to understand is that my family on both sides are generational Slytherin. That house is all my family's known. So much that over the years your assumed now that, that will be your placement. Sirius Black was sorted into Gryffindor and his family didn't like that."

"Because they thought it was bad?"

"Because they had a reputation to uphold. The two of us don't fit the mold and it scared me, coming here because I had tried so hard to fit in, with my family, the sorting hat would know my true character. Anyway, when I was younger before I knew that he had gone dark, he was my hero, because he was different like me. Ever since his escape, I keep think what if that's me one day. What if it doesn't matter being sorted into a different house because being a dark wizard is fate or something." he wrapped his arms round me

"Don't say that, you are nothing like him."

"Aren't I? Ever since I got here it feels like I'm following in his footsteps, what if I go too far like he went? It terrifies me, Harry. I don't want to turn out like him or my father." my voice changed to a whisper. He brought me into a hug which I returned

"I promise I won't let you. Okay? I promise."


The next morning classes began but Professor McGonagall had called Hermione and I to see her first before classes. Hermione and I at the end of last term had applied to be given a time turner. It would give us the ability to attend a few extra classes to add to our repertoire. She gave us one to share with rules on how to use it and not to abuse it. We had to be careful, not to mess with time only to use it for classes. We took one extra class a day as to not completely  mess with things. Both of us took ancient ruins and then went back in time for divination which was at the same time. Because of travel time we would always be slightly late but hopefully not miss anything.

"First you must open your mind. First you must look beyond" Professor Trelawney babbled on

"What rubbish." I commented appearing in class and tucking away my time turner

"Where did you come from?" Ron jumped seeing me between them, he glanced up seeing Hermione.

"Me? I've been here the whole time." I sighed ad took out my books

"You boy is your grandmother quite well?" Professor asked Neville

"I think so." he answers

"I wouldn't be so sure, give me the cup." she tells Dean, who does so and she hummed and ahed Sadly before giving it back "Broaden your minds." she then come across our table and jumped looking at Ron. I rolled my eyes, Divination was a required class not an elective. Personally something seemed off about the professor and not in a quirky way but it was hard to put my finger on.

"Your aura is pulsing dear, are you in the beyond?" she asks Ron. I glance back at Hermione and roll my eyes. She smiles slightly

"Sure." he agrees

"Look at the cup. Tell me what you see." she encouraged

"Yeah. Harry's got sort of a wonky cross. That's trials and suffering," Ron decided looking through his divination book "And that there could be the sun and that's happiness. So your going to suffer, but you're gonna be happy about that."

"Oh girl troubles." I chime knocking Harry's shoulder, making him and the class laugh. Trelawney asked for the cup and looked into it as, as soon as she did she treated it if it was on fire and dropped it on the table.

"Oh my dear boy." she breathed making me raise an eyebrow. "My dear you have the Grim." oh that was not good. I had read the textbook out of pure boredom, the Grim was a bad omen.

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