Chapter Thirteen - In the Past

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We ran across the bridge still holding hands, I was dragging him but he needed to keep up. We were on a bit of a time crunch. We reached the other side.

"Vega, wait. Vega can you please tell me what we're doing." I let go of his hand and watch the past us have the confrontation with my brother and his goons "That's us...this is not normal." I pulled him back out of sight and took out the time turner

"It's called a time turner." I stated "McGonagall gave it to Hermione and I first term. It's how we've been getting to lessons all year."

"You mean we've gone back in time?" he asked me

"Yes. Dumbledore clearly wanted us to return to this moment. Clearly something happened that needs to change." I look back out and watch Hermione punch my brother.

"Nice punch." Harry commented

"I know. Right." I saw my brother come this way "Oh no, quick move." I pulled him away and out the other side, missing my brother. We heard them run past us then moved to watch our past selves talk then head down to Hagrids. We took their place as soon as they were gone.

"look Buckbeaks still alive." Harry pointed out

"Of course. How could I forget." I shook my head "Remember what Dumbledore said. more than one innocent life could be spared. Come on." We headed down and took place behind the stack of pumpkins. We watched ourselves inside. Then from the distance, Dumbledore, Fudge and the executioner.

"Here they come. I better hurry." Harry insisted but I pulled him back

"Fudge has to see Buckbeak first before we steal him. Otherwise Hagrid will get in trouble." he nodded in understanding and we turned back to ourselves in the hut. Scabbers was Handed back to Ron.


"Harry, no." I told him

"He betrayed my parents. You can't expect me to just sit here." He tried to get up but I pulled him down.

"You must." I grunted "Listen to me. Your in there right now, if you burst in it could set of a chain of events that could be a disaster. besides you'll think your going mad. Terrible things happen to Wizards who mess with time. Under no circumstances can we be seen." I move us around so the men don't see us. "Promise me, Harry. No matter how much you want to do something, you have to listen to me, especially till this is over."

"Okay." he agreed. The were getting closer

"They're nearly here." I looked back at us "But we aren't leaving, why?" I glance down and see the stone from earlier. I grab it and throw it through the window

"Vega what are you doing?" I grab another one and catch Harry's head making him turn around

"Ouch. That hurt." my Harry rubbed his head

"Sorry, needed to do it." Our past selves got the message and we watched as our past and their future unraveled. We had to move spots as we came out the back door and we hid in the tree's. I peeked through.

"Ugh, is that jumper really that ugly?" I ask

"Vega." a twig snapped and we hid. I thought I had seen myself and I was right, though past me would't figure it out till now. Boy time traveling really is hard on the brain. Once we were gone we came back out.

"Lets go." I say and we creep out keeping a eye on the adults inside. We capture Buckbeaks attention and bow to him. He bows his head back. I grab the ferrets and Harry undos his chain. The door opens and shuts again. Harry tries to get him to come with us.

"Buckbeak look it's a nice dead ferret." he jumps up and I throw it to him "Come on keep going, come on." Fudge and Dumbledore came out, we freeze. Not that Buckbeak cares all he desires is another dead ferret. he takes it from my hand. Once it clear we have just moments. I shake another ferret and we guide him into the trees and away from certain death. The two of us leave the woods. We watch from the shadows as the realise he's gone. One life saved and one to go. The executioner chose the pumpkin finishing the scene we see from up above.


We run through the woods to across from the whomping willow. I throw the rest of the ferrets and Buckbeak is let go to eat them at his pleasure.

"What now?" Harry asks me

"Now? Now we save Sirius." I answer  taking a breath for a second then run off

"How?" he questions following me

"Not a clue, come on." we stop at the tree line. In the time between places , we've skipped to where Lupin has arrived

"Look, it's Lupin." he freezes the tree and heads through "Then Snape."

"And now we wait."

"And now we wait." I confirm. We sit down and I rest my head on his shoulder. A moment to breath.

"Don't fall asleep on me now, Vega." Harry jokes making me smile

"I won't." I chime then lift my head up "Can I tell you something funny?" I ask him and he turns his head to me.


"When I woke up, in the shack and found out, Sirius was actually a good guy. I was relieved, for a selfish moment i was like there was still hope for me. That I could keep away from my family's path. Hilarious right?"

"Not at all." He replied "You're a good person Vega. All people have to do is look at your friendship with Hermione and Ron. Your brother constantly belittles them while you go out of your way to protect them. If that doesn't count as a good person I don't know what does."

"Even good people can turn bad. Sirius may have restored faith in the rarity of Slytehrin Family gryffindors but Pettigrew turned on your parents and for what?" I shook my head "A dead man walking?" I winced as my head began to hurt again.

"Your head."

"I'm fine. It's gone now." Harry brushed some of my hair back and we had a moment, he leant in and I thought he was going to kiss me, that was until a flock of sparrows interrupted. I smiled shyly looking away to Buckbeak who was jumping around happily trying to catch them.

"Someone's having fun." I comment

"Vega." I turned back to him "Before when we were down by the lake with Sirius. I did see someone. That someone made the dementors go away." he told me

"With a Patronus. I've read about that spell. Apparently its very powerful, someone equally as powerful must have cast it to send the dementors away all at once."

"It was my Dad. My Dad cast the patronus."

"Harry, your Dad...." he cut me off

"Is dead I know. I'm just telling you what I saw. He saved us." he insisted

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