Chapter Fifteen - Breakaway

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You know despite all the trouble the four of us seemed to find ourselves in during the school year. I actually missed it because then I would have to be at home in a environment which even now still felt like it was trying to suffocate me. Granted it could have been a lot worst like it was for not just wizarding families but Muggle families as well. I had a big house, house elves, a huge library. But that meant nothing when you were deprived of laughter and likeminded conversations.

In the three nearly four years of being at school, I had become an alien to my family, a stranger in my own home. I had become everything they were set against a blood traitor. They still brought me home after school finished, the still talked to me and gave me what I needed and I am grateful but at the same time, you can see especially with my father, it takes a lot for him not to say something and he only does it because I'm pretty sure my mother has said something.

My lovely mother, who tried her hardest not to buckle into to family pressure of still having a blood traitor at home, that is how much she loves her children. I love her for it, that she kept the promise to her 11 year old daughter terrified of ending up like her cousin.

Anyway, this summer I was the one to break. A week after my 14th Birthday. I stated that I had been invited stay with Hermione. To be honest I jumped at the chance and mother reluctantly agreed. So I went to stay with her and in all honesty, I finally knew what it was like to have parents that didn't pressure. They made conversation not just about school and grades, but they were so intrested in the world their daughter was now apart of, the asked about even the smallest of things like wands or wandless magic.

They talked about their experiences with High school and compared it with our experiences at Hogwarts. Little jokes and comfort things, like asking if if I would like some hot chocolate before bed or letting me pick a symbol for a board game first. It blew my mind. They were even as kind to get extra cat things for Wednesday and had built a little owlary for mine and Hermiones owls.

During my time there, Ron and Harry had written that Harry was now at the Weasleys and invited us to a Quidditch match before school started. Of course we said yes. It was Ireland Vs Bulgaria. Personally I was a supporter of the Irish Team.

Hermione and I arrived very early morning the day of the match, to the Weasley burrow. Mrs Weasley sent me to way up the boys. The twins were no problem, yet when i went to get Harry and Ron. Harry was having a nightmare. I put down the candle in the drawers between them.

"Harry." I call

"Harry." I shake him awake and his eyes pop open blinking several times before registering it's me "Are you okay?" I ask him and he grabs his glasses and shakily slips them on

"Yeah, Bad dream." he answered "When did you get here?" he questioned sitting himself up

"About ten minutes ago, you?"

"Last night." I nodded then move over to Ron

"Ron, wake up. Wake up, Ronnie." i shake him awake, he's startled to see me and pulls his covers closer

"Bloody hell."

"Both of you get up, no falling back asleep." I tell them as Ron relaxes back down "Now Ronald. Your mother says breakfast is ready." I shove him then leave the room. Mrs Weasley served us all breakfast before Mr Weasley took us on our way. I knew where we were going as did Hermione, we had to for permission purposes. But the others were clueless, as we made the trek out just as the sun began to rise.

We walked for about a hour before we came to a cross roads of sorts and met up with someone else.

"Arthur! It's about time, son." the man chimed

"Sorry, Amos. Some of us had a bit of a sleepy start." Mr Weasley replied looking back at Ron who was still yawning "This is Amos Diggory, everyone. Works with me at the ministry" I stopped

"Diggory as in..." I trailed of to Hermione my thought was answered as Cedric dropped down from the tree. "Cedric....Diggory." Okay so I admit I had a crush on the sixth year. But who could blame a girl really. Not only was the Hufflepuffian handsome but he was super sweet and helpful and just everything a girl or guy could dream about.

"And this strapping young lad must be Cedric, am I right?"

"Yes sir." the two shook hands and his eyes fell on me "Nice to see you again Vega." I blushed heavily, most of us Quidditch players interacted with one another, Harry wasn't one of them but I was in my spare time. I cleared my throat.

"You too, Cedric." He lead the way and Hermione took my arm

"You actually know Cedric?" she whispered

"Well we both play Quidditch, sometimes the players meet up in hogsmeade, last year I was invited. No big deal." I shrugged bashfully. We were talked to a hill and on that hill was a manly old boot.

"Yes, it's just over there." Oh it must be a port key." I grabbed onto it and all of us were transported from that hill. Mid flight we were told to let go which we did and the led to a crash landing while. Mr Weasley, Mr Diggory and Cedric glided their way down, clearly used to this transportation method. I pushed my self back to my feet and helped up Hermione. Then we made the last leg to where the match was going to

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