Chapter Eighteen - Mad Man

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The next day our classes begun and up first was defence against the dark arts. With out fourth teacher for the subject. Mad Eye Moody.

"Alistair Moody. Ex Auror, Ministry malcontent and your new defence against the dark arts teacher. I'm here because Dumbledore asked me. End of story, goodbye, the end. Any questions." I raised my hand "Miss Malfoy?"

"Are you planning to stick around or are you a one year and sod off teacher like our others have been?" I questioned seriously. His magical eye zoomed in on me

"That has yet to be seen. I'm here as long as requested. Anything else?" I shook my head "Good. When it comes to the dark arts I believe in a practical approach. But first, which of you can tell me how many unforgivable curses there are?" he questioned. He couldn't be serious, was that going to be his first lesson to a bunch of forth years? This subject out of so many?

"Three sir." Hermione answered

"And they are so named?"

"Because they are unforgivable. The use of any one of them will" he cut my friend of while he scratched onto the chalkboard

"Will earn you a one way ticket to Azkaban, correct. Now the ministry says you're too young to see what these curses do. I say different! You need to know what you're up against. You need to be prepared. You need to find another place to put your chewing gum besides the underside of your desk Mr Finnigan." he had faced us then turned back road. We all looked to Seamus.

"Ugh. No way the old codger can see out the back of his head." Seamus muttered and Moody threw his chalk at Seamus' head

"And hear across classrooms." Moody rebuffed back "So which curse shall we see first?" he asked

"Weasley!" he called even though Moody was now right in front of him

"Yes?" Ron whimpered back

"Stand." Ron did so "Give us a curse."

"Well, my dad did tell me about one. The Imperious curse." Ron voiced timidly to our new teacher who seemed not bothered by the effect he was having

"Oh yeah, your father would know all about that. Gave the ministry quite the grief a few years ago. Perhaps a this will show you why." Moody left Ron who sat back down and from his trove of things brought out a spider. I shared a disapproving look with Hermione. This was unethical in about fifty different ways.

"Engorgio" the spider became a little larger "Imperio." from there he was able to control the spider, moving it about from student to student. Most of them found it funny, Hermione and I didn't. I shook my head in disproval

"Don't worry it's completely harmless unless she bites and that's lethal." The spider moved to Ron who was terrified of little spiders on a good day "What are you laughing at?" the spider laded on my brothers face and yet I still did not find it funny like everyone else did.

"Talented isn't she? What should I have her do next? Jump out the window?" the spider his a spyglass "Drown herself." now over a bucket of water the laughter stopped. Moody brought the spider back to his hand.

"Scores of wizards and witches claimed that they only did you know who's bidding, under the influence of the Imperius curse. But here's the rub; How do we sort out the liars? Another, Another. come on." People slowly put their hand us "Longbottom, is it? Up." Neville stood up

"Professor sprout tells me you have an aptitude for herbology" Neville nods in agreement. "There's the umm...The cruciatus curse."

"Correct! Come, come." Neville slipped out and walked over with Moody "particularly nasty. the torture curse. Curicio." the spider sealed in pained you could tell it made Neville uncomfortable. I stood up angry

"Stop it! Can't you see it's making him uncomfortable? Stop it now!" I came out from where I was sitting and jogged over to Neville wrapping my arms around him. Moody stopped and stared at me as Neville turned into my embrace taking the comfort I offered.

"Perhaps you could give us the last unforgivable curse, Miss Malfoy." he stated

"Eat dirt, you crazy man." I snap at him "It's okay Neville." I rubbed his back

"No? Avada Kedavra." he killed the innocent animal "The killing curse. Only one person is know to survive it and he's sitting in this room." I turned my head towards Harry who went a little paler than usual. I took Neville out of the classroom and into the stairwell.

"I'm sorry you had to go through that. He shouldn't even be teaching such spells." I told him, His eyes met mine.

"Thank you Vega, you're a really good friend." he gave a strained smile but then his gaze fell behind me and to looking out of the window. Five minutes later I heard my friends come down

"There's a reason those curses are unforgivable. To perfrom them in a classroom, I mean did you see Neville's face." I heard Hermione and she stopped near us "Neville?" she asked just as Moody followed then and put his hand on Nevilles shoulder

"Son? You right?" he questioned as Neville "Come on. We'll have a cup of tea. I want to show you something." he took Neville back to class. Harry handed me my bag

"Thanks." we left for our next class. Which was potions with Snape and told him the Neville was with Professor Moody, to which he hummed and carried on with the lesson.

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